Server Operating System
White Paper
Guide to Microsoft® Windows NT® 4.0 Profiles and Policies
This guide provides information and procedures for implementing Microsoft®
Windows NT® 4.0 Profiles and Policies on client workstations and servers. A
Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 User Profile describes the Windows NT
configuration for a specific user, including the user’s environment and
preference settings. A System Policy is a set of registry settings that together
define the computer resources available to a group of users or an individual.
With the addition of System Policies and the new User Profile structure to
Windows NT 4.0, network administrators have a greater ability to control the
user environment than they have ever had before.
This document provides the details that administrators need to know to
implement a rollout of User Profiles and System Policies under Windows NT
4.0. Although the primary emphasis is Windows NT, this paper also discusses
how User Profiles are handled with WindowsÒ 95 clients and how the two
platforms differ. You should use this guide in conjunction with your
Windows NT 4.0 documentation and Resource Kits.
Introduction ........................................................................................
TCO and the User
Profiles, Policies, and the Zero Administration Kit
What are User Profiles and System Policies?
Before You Begin
Key Terminology
Technical Notes
Establishing User Profiles – An Overview .........................................
Creating and Administering User Profiles
User Profile Structure
Configuration Preferences Stored in the Registry Hive
Configuration Preferences Stored in Profile Directories
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95 User Profile Differences
How User Profiles Are Handled in Windows 95
User Profile Planning and Implementation
Setting Permissions for User Profiles
Encoding Permissions in the User Profile
Selecting a Location to Save User Profiles
Setting Persistent Connections
Working Around Slow Network Links
Creating and Maintaining User Profiles............................................ 1
Creating a New Roaming User Profile for Windows NT 4.0
Creating a New Mandatory User Profile for Windows NT 4.0
Making a Roaming Profile Mandatory in Windows NT 4.0
Changing the User’s Ability to Modify a Profile
Enforcing the Use of the Server-based Profile
Creating a New Roaming User Profile for a Windows 95 User
Creating a New Mandatory User Profile for Windows 95
Maintaining User Profiles with Control Panel System Properties
Deleting Profiles
Changing the Profile Type from Roaming to Local
Determining Which Profile Is Displayed
Copying Profiles
Viewing the Contents of the Profiles Directory on a Local Computer
Log Files Used by Profiles
The All Users Shared Profile
Default User Template Profiles
Profile Names and Storage in the Registry
Manually Administering a User Profile through the Registry
Modifying the Default User Profile
Upgrading Windows NT 3.5x Server-based Profiles to Windows NT 4.0
Roaming Profiles
Upgrading Windows NT 3.5x Mandatory Profiles to Windows NT 4.0
Mandatory Profiles
Extracting a User Profile for Use on Another Domain or Machine
Creating Profiles Without User-Specific Connections
Troubleshooting User Profiles with the UserEnv.log File
System Policy – An Introduction....................................................... 35
System Policy Files
Policy Replication
How Policies Are Applied
Additional Implementation Considerations
The System Policy Editor.................................................................. 39
Installing the System Policy Editor on a Windows NT Workstation
Installing the System Policy Editor on a Windows 95 Computer
Updating the Registry with the System Policy Editor
System Policy Editor Template (.Adm) Files
Configuring Policy Settings
Setting Folder Paths Back to Defaults
Creating a System Policy
Creating Alternate Folder Paths
Setting Up Shortcuts for Server-based Profiles
Deploying Policies for Windows NT 4.0 Machines
Deploying Policies for Windows 95 Machines
Modifying Policy Settings on Stand-Alone Workstations
Creating a Custom .Adm File
Configuring System Policies Based on Geographic Location
Clearing the Documents Available List
Building Fault Tolerance for Custom Shared Folders
Registry Keys Modified by the System Policy Editor Default
Templates.......................................................................................... 54
Default User Settings
Control Panel Display Application
Color Scheme
Start Menu Run Command
Settings Folders
Settings Taskbar
Start Menu Find Command
My Computer Drive Icons
Network Neighborhood Icon
Network Neighborhood Display
Network Neighborhood Workgroup Contents
Desktop Display
Start Menu Shut Down Command
Saved Settings
Registry Editing Tools
Windows Applications Restrictions
Custom Programs
Custom Desktop Icons
Start Menu Subfolders
Custom Startup Folder
Custom Network Neighborhood
Custom Start Menu
Shell Extensions
Explorer File Menu
Start Menu Common Program Groups
Taskbar Context Menus
Explorer Context Menu
Network Connections
Explorer Context Menu
Logon Scripts
Task Manager
Welcome Tips
Default Computer Settings
Remote Update
Permitted Managers
Public Community Traps
Run Command
Drive Shares – Workstation
Drive Shares – Server
Printer Browse Thread
Server Scheduler
Error Beep
Authentication Retries
Authentication Time Limit
RAS Call-back Interval
RAS Auto-disconnect
Shared Programs Folder Path
Shared Desktop Icons Path
Shared Start Menu Path
Shared Startup Folder Path
Logon Banner
Logon Dialog Shut Down Button
Logon Name Display
Logon Scripts
Long File Names
Extended Characters in 8.3 File Names
Read Only Files – Last Access Time
Cached Roaming Profiles
Slow Network Detection
Slow Network Timeout
Dialog Box Timeout
Registry Entries Not Included in the System Policy Editor............ 81
Start Banner
For More Information......................................................................... 83
Appendix A –Flowcharts.................................................................... 84
User Profile Flowcharts
System Policy Flowchart
Appendix B - Implementing User Profiles ........................................ 90
Existing Windows NT 3.5x Roaming Profile
Existing Windows NT 3.5x Roaming Profile
Migrating Windows NT 3.5x Roaming Profile to Windows NT 4.0 Roaming
Migrating Windows NT 3.5x Mandatory Profile to Windows NT 4.0 Mandatory
Migrating Windows NT 3.5x Mandatory Profile to Windows NT 4.0 Roaming
Creating a New Windows NT 4.0 Roaming Profile
Creating a New Windows NT 4.0 Mandatory Profile
Updating and Changing a Roaming Profile to a Mandatory Profile
Changing a Roaming Profile to a Mandatory Profile
Appendix C – Usage Notes............................................................... 93
Important Information for Administrators Regarding User Logons and User
Recent Updates to Profiles Since Retail Release
Recent Updates to Policies Since Retail Release
APPENDIX D – Related Knowledge Base Articles............................ 95
Not too many years ago, information technology professionals faced a serious
challenge in controlling the mounting costs of mainframe use. It seemed that
everyone—clerks, writers, developers, and systems administrators—all had
terminals and were using the system for everything from numbers crunching to
typing letters. Networks became bogged down, and IT professionals were given
the task of getting “nonessential operations” off the mainframe. Their decision
was to deploy personal computers in the enterprise—with emulation software for
mainframe access and local software for tasks where central processing or data
sharing were not required. Gradually, as PCs became more powerful, more and
more operations moved to the desktop. And as PC networking matured, many
businesses found that a PC-based network built on commodity hardware and
off-the-shelf software was their best business solution.
Lately, however, we’ve come full circle on this. It seems that the total cost of
ownership (or TCO)—the real cost of maintaining a distributed personal com-
puter network—is far from trivial. TCO includes the initial capital cost of
hardware and software, deployment and configuration expense, costs associ-
ated with deploying hardware and software updates, training and retraining,
day-to-day maintenance and administration, and telephone and on-site techni-
cal support. With these escalating costs in mind, Microsoft and others are
working together on several initiatives to lower the total cost of ownership of
personal computers.
TCO and the User
One of the major costs highlighted in recent reports on Total Cost of Owner-
ship (TCO), is lost productivity at the desktop caused by user error, such as
changing the system configuration and rendering the computer unworkable, or
system distractions and complexities, for example too many features or nones-
sential applications installed on the desktop. To solve these problems, system
administrators need a means to control a user’s access to key configuration
files and to features and applications that are not required to do that user’s
particular job. To be successful, this means of control must be flexible and
customizable—the system administrator must be able to control the computer
configurations of individuals and groups of users based on user job responsi-
bilities and computer literacy.
Profiles, Policies, and the Zero Administration Kit
The Zero Administration Kit (ZAK) for the Microsoft Windows NT® version 4.0
operating system is designed to help the corporate administrator address
some of the issues arising from user operations. ZAK is a set of methodologies
for deploying Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 that greatly reduces the burden of
individual desktop management for task-based workers. With ZAK, system
administrators can establish user profiles, system policies, and security to re-
duce some of the administrative costs associated with managing end-users in
an enterprise network.
ZAK’s methodologies are based on the underlying technologies and capa-
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
bilities of Windows NT 4.0, and as such these techniques can readily be
adapted to accommodate a corporation’s specific computing requirements. In
the near future, you will see additional TCO-reducing features appear in Micro-
soft Windows® 98, Windows NT 5.0, and Microsoft Systems Management
Server. Central to these features is the idea of centralized desktop control.
This is accomplished through User Profiles and System Policies—the subject
of this paper.
What are User Profiles and System Policies?
A Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 User Profile describes the Windows NT configu-
ration for a specific user, including the user’s environment and preference
settings. For example, those settings and configuration options specific to the
user—such as installed applications, desktop icons, color options, and so
forth—are contained in a User Profile. This profile is built in part from System
Policy information (for example, those things that a user has access to and
those things that the user can and cannot change) and in part from permitted,
saved changes that a user makes to customize his or her desktop.
A System Policy is a set of registry settings that together define the com-
puter resources available to a group of users or an individual. Policies define
the various facets of the desktop environment that a system administrator
needs to control, such as which applications are available, which applications
appear on the user’s desktop, which applications and options appear in the
Start menu, who can change attributes of their desktops and who cannot, and
so forth.
With the addition of System Policies and the new User Profile structure to
Windows NT 4.0, network administrators have a greater ability to control the
user environment than they ever have had before. Many of the requests that
customers submitted, including providing more options in controlling the user’s
desktop, accessibility to applications and system tools, minimizing administra-
tive overhead, and scalability enhancements, have been added. And, as with
every release, Microsoft encourages customer feedback on enhancements to
the Windows NT operating system.
This document provides the details that administrators need to implement a
rollout of User Profiles and System Policies under Windows NT 4.0. Although
the primary emphasis is Windows NT, this paper also discusses how User
Profiles are handled with Windows 95 clients and how the two platforms differ.
Before You Begin
Before proceeding with this document, we recommend that you read Chapters
3 and 4 of the Windows NT 4.0 Concepts and Planning Guide. In addition, you
should be familiar with the following terms and concepts.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Key Terminology
Directory Replication
The copying of a master set of directories from a server (called the
export server) to specified servers or workstations (called import com-
puters) in the same or other domains. Replication simplifies the task
of maintaining identical sets of directories and files on multiple com-
puters, because only a single master copy of the data is maintained.
Files are replicated when they are added to an export directory and
each time a change is saved to one of the exported files.
Domain Structure
In Windows NT, a domain is a collection of computers defined by the
administrator of a Windows NT Server network that share a common
directory database. A domain provides access to the centralized user
accounts and group accounts maintained by the domain administra-
tor. Each domain has a unique name.
Home Directory
A home directory is a directory that is accessible to the user and con-
tains files and programs for that user. A home directory can be
assigned to a single user or to a group of users.
Local Profile
A local profile is specific to a computer. A user who has a local profile
on a particular computer can gain access to that profile only while
logged on to that computer.
Mandatory Profile
A mandatory profile is a preconfigured roaming profile that the user
cannot change. In most cases, these are assigned to a person or a
group of people for whom a common interface and standard configu-
ration is required.
NetLogon Service
For Windows NT Server, the NetLogon service authenticates domain
logons and keeps the domain’s directory database synchronized be-
tween the primary domain controller (PDC) and the backup domain
controllers (BDCs).
The 32-bit version of the Registry Editor.
The registry is a database where Windows NT internal configuration
information and machine- and user-specific settings are stored.
Registry Hive
A hive is a section of the registry that is saved as a file. The registry
subtree is divided into hives (named for their resemblance to the cel-
lular structure of a beehive). A hive is a discrete body of keys,
subkeys, and values.
Roaming Profile
A roaming profile is stored on a network share and can be accessed
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
from any computer. A user who has a roaming profile can log on to
any computer for which that profile is valid and access the profile.
(Note that a profile is only valid on the platform for which it was cre-
ated—for example, a Windows NT 4.0 profile cannot be used on a
Windows 95 computer.)
Roaming User
A roaming user is a user who logs on to the network from different
computers at different times. This type of user may use a kiosk or may
share a bank of computers with other users. A roaming user stores his
or her user profile on a network share, and can log on to any net-
worked computer and access that profile.
System Policy
A System Policy is a set of registry settings that together define the
computer resources available to a group of users or an individual. You
create system policies with the System Policy Editor. System policies
allow an administrator to control user work environments and actions,
and to enforce system configurations.
An environment variable that expands to become the root directory
containing Windows NT files. The directory name is specified when
Windows NT is installed (normally, this directory name is c:\winnt).
A folder in the root directory that contains the user profiles for each
user of the computer.
An environment variable that expands to become the user account ID
for the current logged on user. This identifies the user account to
Windows NT.
Technical Notes
Several portions of this guide refer to registry locations that allow you to
change certain behaviors of Windows NT and modify settings. For this reason,
we include the following warning.
Using Registry Editor incorrectly can cause system-wide problems that may require you to reinstall
Windows NT to correct them. Microsoft cannot guarantee that any problems resulting from the use of
Registry Editor can be resolved.
In addition, portions of this guide refer to a registry hive called In
instances where this is used, .xxx can be replaced with either .dat or .man.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
A Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 User Profile describes the Windows NT configu-
ration for a specific user, including the user’s environment and preference
settings. A User Profile can be local, roaming, or mandatory. A local profile is
specific to a given computer. A user who creates a local profile on a particular
computer can gain access to that profile only while logged on to that computer.
Conversely, a roaming profile is stored on a network share and can be ac-
cessed from any networked computer. A user who has a roaming profile can
log on to any networked computer for which that profile is valid and access the
profile. A mandatory profile is a preconfigured roaming profile that the user
cannot change. As a system administrator, you may want to use mandatory
profiles for a group of people who require a common interface and standard
One of the primary goals of User Profiles is to allow a user’s system and
desktop customizations to travel with the user from computer to computer,
without requiring the user to reconfigure any settings. When a user logs on to
any computer that supports his or her roaming profile, the desktop appears—
just as the user left it the last time he or she logged off. With roaming user sup-
port, users can share computers, but each user has his or her personal
desktop on any computer in the network (both roaming and mandatory profiles
support this functionality).
Creating and Administering User Profiles
User Profiles can be created and administered in several different ways as will
be described next. Note that as a system administrator, you determine whether
users can modify their profiles.
You create a User Profile that is not modifiable for a particular user or
group (this is a mandatory profile).
You establish a network Default User Profile that applies to all new users
on Windows NT 4.0 computers. After downloading this default profile and
logging on, the user can customize the profile (provided that it is not man-
You allow a new user to use the local Default User Profile on the
Windows NT 4.0 computer where the user logs on. After logging on, the
user can customize the profile (provided that it is not mandatory).
You copy a template User Profile, and assign the copy to a user. The user
can then customize the profile (provided that it is not a mandatory profile).
Profiles can be stored on a network server or cached on the local machine.
(Cached profiles are located in the \%systemroot%\Profiles directory.) Caching
a profile reduces the total time to log on and load the profile; however, in a
roaming user or kiosk environment, this approach may not be optimal. This
option is controlled by the administrator.
User Profile Structure
A User Profile is comprised of a Windows NT registry hive and a set of profile
directories. The registry is a database used to store machine- and user-specific
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
settings, and portions of the registry can be saved as files, called hives. These
hives can then be reloaded for use as necessary. User Profiles take advantage
of the hive feature to provide roaming profile functionality.
The User Profile registry hive is the NTuser.dat in file form, and is mapped
to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER portion of the registry when the user logs
on.The NTuser.dat hive maintains the user’s environment preferences when
the user is logged on. It stores those settings that maintain network connec-
tions, Control Panel configurations unique to the user (such as the desktop
color and mouse), and application-specific settings. The series of profile di-
rectories store shortcut links, desktop icons, startup applications, and so forth.
Together, these two components record all user-configurable settings that can
migrate from computer to computer. Details are provided below.
Configuration Preferences Stored in the Registry Hive
The NTuser.dat file contains the following configuration settings.
Windows NT Explorer settings. All user-definable settings for Windows NT
Explorer, as well as persistent network connections.
Taskbar. All personal program groups and their properties, all program
items and their properties, and all taskbar settings.
Printer settings. All network printer connections.
Control Panel. All user-defined settings made in the Control Panel.
Accessories. All user-specific application settings affecting the
Windows NT environment, including: Calculator, Clock, Notepad, Paint,
and HyperTerminal, among others.
Help bookmarks. Any bookmarks placed in the Windows NT Help system.
Configuration Preferences Stored in Profile Directories
The profile directories are designed to contain the following configuration
Application data. Application-specific data, such as a custom dictionary for
a word processing program. Application vendors decide what data to store
in this directory.
Desktop. Desktop items, including files and shortcuts.
Favorites. Shortcuts to program items and favorite locations.
NetHood.* Shortcuts to Network Neighborhood items.
Personal. Shortcuts to program items. Also a central store for any docu-
ments that the user creates. Applications should be written to save files
here by default.
PrintHood.* Shortcuts to printer folder items.
Recent. Shortcuts to the most recently used items.
SendTo. Shortcuts to document storage locations and applications.
Start Menu. Shortcuts to program items.
Templates.* Shortcuts to template items.
* These directories are hidden by default. To see these directories, change the View Options.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95
User Profile Differences
Windows 95 Profiles are very similar in behavior to Windows NT 4.0 Profiles, but
there are some differences.
Unlike Windows NT 4.0, Windows 95 downloads and writes User Profiles to
the user’s home directory. When the Windows 95 user first logs on, the UNC
path specified in the user account’s home directory path is checked for the
Windows 95 User Profile. You can modify this behavior, however. See the Win-
dows 95 Resource Kit for more information.
Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 User Profiles have the following addi-
tional functional differences:
Windows 95 does not support common groups.
Windows 95 can be configured to copy only the shortcut (.lnk) and Pro-
gram Information Files (.pif) when the User Profile is downloaded,
whereas Windows NT downloads all file, shortcut, and directory objects.
Windows 95 User Profiles do not support a centrally stored Default User
Windows 95 uses different files for the registry portion of User Profiles.
(Refer to the following table.) Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 profiles
are not interchangeable, primarily because the registry hive, which is a key
component of the User Profile, is incompatible between operating system
Windows NT 4.0 file
Equivalent Windows 95 file
NOTE: The Windows 95 User.da0 and Windows NT 4.0 Ntuser.dat.log, while equivalent, provide
slightly different functionality. Windows 95 writes a copy of User.dat to User.da0 each time the user
logs off. Windows NT uses the Ntuser.dat.log file as a transaction log file. This allows for fault toler-
ance in the event that a User Profile must be recovered.
Windows 95 and Windows NT 4.0 file structures are identical with the ex-
ception of the Application Data directory. Windows 95 does not support
this directory.
Windows 95 User Profiles can be stored on NetWare servers. For more in-
formation on configuring a client with a Primary Network Logon of Client for
NetWare Networks, see the chapter “Windows 95 on NetWare Networks” in
the Windows 95 Resource Kit. For more information on configuring a client that
uses Microsoft Service for NetWare Directory Services, see the online Help
that accompanies the service.
How User Profiles Are Handled in Windows 95
When a user logs on to a Windows 95 machine, the local profile path,
List, is checked for an existing entry for that user:
If the user has an entry in this registry location, Windows 95 checks for a lo-
cally cached version of the user’s profile. Windows 95 also checks the user’s
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
home directory (or other specified directory if the location has been modified)
on the server for the User Profile. If a profile exists in both locations, the newer
of the two is used. If the User Profile exists on the server, but does not exist on
the local machine, the profile on the server is downloaded and used. If the
User Profile only exists on the local machine, that copy is used.
If a User Profile is not found in either location, the Default User Profile from
the Windows 95 machine is used and is copied to a newly created folder for
the logged on user. At log off, any changes that the user made are written to
the user’s local profile. If the user has a roaming profile, the changes are writ-
ten to the user’s profile on the server.
User Profile Planning and Implementation
A successful implementation of User Profiles requires planning and prepara-
tion. Before creating User Profiles, consider the following:
How much of the user environment do you wish to control? Would System
Policies—either in conjunction with User Profiles, or by themselves—be a
better solution?
Will users be required to use a specific set of desktop folders and envi-
ronment settings?
Will users be able to make modifications to their profiles?
What features will you be implementing in User Profiles? Optional features
include persistent network connections, custom icons, backgrounds, and
so on.
For roaming profiles, will users be allowed to use the default profile from
the client workstation or will a standardized server-based default profile be
used instead?
Where will the profiles be stored, and is there enough drive space to store
Where do existing user home directories reside?
How will shortcuts and links be displayed for the user?
What are the speeds of the links between the clients and the server stor-
ing the profiles?
These issues are examined more fully in the following paragraphs. For more
information, refer to the Windows NT Server Concepts and Planning Guide.
Setting Permissions for User Profiles
When troubleshooting or preparing for a rollout of User Profiles, you should
pay careful attention to permissions at the Windows NT File System (NTFS)
and share levels. If the profile is mandatory, the user account should have at
least Read permissions on the network share where that user’s User Profile is
stored. If the user’s profile is roaming, the user must have Change permissions
(or better) because the client will need to write the changes back to the central
profile on the shared network drive when the user logs off. If roaming profiles
are stored on an NTFS partition, you can choose to remove the Delete permis-
sion from the default Change permissions at the NTFS level.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
NOTE: Directories containing roaming User Profiles need at least Add and Read permissions for profiles
to be read correctly. If you use Add permissions only, when Windows NT checks for the existence of the
profile it will fail because it looks for the path first, and if Read rights are not given, the check will fail.
Permissions are also important on a client machine where the user is log-
ging on interactively. If Windows NT is installed in an NTFS partition on the
client computer, and the user does not have at least the default permissions as
outlined in the Windows NT Server Concepts and Planning Guide (page 132),
errors can occur. For example, if permissions are incorrect on the root of the
system directory, the following message appears: “Can’t access this folder—
the path is too long.” A blank desktop is displayed, and the user’s only option is
to log off.
If permissions are set incorrectly in the %systemroot%, %system-
root%\System, %systemroot%\System32, or %systemroot%\System32\Config
directories, the following message appears: “Unable to log you on because
your profile could not be loaded.”
Encoding Permissions in the User Profile
The registry portion of the User Profile,, is encoded with the user
or group that has permission to use that profile. Once this is saved, you can
use the Registry Editor to modify this information if you want to change the
permissions on a profile without replacing it.
To change encoded User Profile information:
1. Follow the instructions to manually edit a profile: (Refer to the section
“Administering a User Profile Manually through the Registry” later in this
2. Change the permissions on the root of the key to include users and groups
who will have permission to use the profile.
3. Unload the hive.
Selecting a Location to Save User Profiles
As with Windows NT 3.5x, you can place a roaming profile in any shared di-
rectory, and then configure the user account profile path to point to the profile.
The Profiles directory in the system root stores local User Profiles, “All Users”
profile settings (which apply to any user who uses the computer), the “Default
User” profile, and cached User Profiles of domain users. You should avoid
using the %systemroot%\Profiles directory in the domain users’ profile path as
a location to store server-based profiles, whether they are roaming or manda-
tory. (The path should allow the user’s profile to roam with the user and be
available on any networked computer that the user logs on to. If you specify a
path to the %systemroot%\Profiles directory, the client computer always uses
the local profile instead.)
Windows NT 4.0 profiles can be saved on any Windows NT 3.5x or 4.0
server because the client computer uses the path where the profile is stored
only as a location to download the profile and to write the modified user profile
at log off. This allows profiles to be stored on any shared network drive. The
process of downloading the profile is controlled by the client computer—all the
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
client needs is the correct path. Note that storing profiles on a Windows NT 4.0
Server makes it easier for the administrator to open a user’s NTuser.dat file to
make any necessary modifications. You can also store User Profiles on Novell
Servers provided that the client is configured correctly and can access the pro-
file path.
If a client is not receiving a User Profile at logon, use the Start menu Run
command to check the profile path. For example, to see if you can locate the
profile, type \\server\share\mydomainuser. If the path to the user’s profile con-
tains spaces, put quotation marks around the path when you type it in the Run
command box.
Except in the case of mandatory profiles or when a slow network is de-
tected, any changes to the user’s profile are saved to the central profile when
the user logs off. (Because users cannot modify mandatory profiles, changes
do not need to be written to the server.)
NOTE: In situations where the same user account logs on to multiple machines, the last user to log off
dictates the profile settings because that user was the last one to write data to the profile. Similarly, if a
group of users all point to the same profile, the final logoff settings are saved and will overwrite previous
If the User Profile is flagged as a local profile and is not mandatory, any
changes the user makes while logged on are written to the locally cached ver-
sion of the profile, but not to the server-based copy.
NOTE: You should not make the home directory and User Profile path the same. If the profile path encom-
passes the home directory path and the server-based profile is more recent than the local profile on the
workstation, all directories and files that exist in the user’s home directory will be copied to the user’s
workstation at logon. These files are then written back to the server (if modified) when the user logs off.
This process occurs at each logon. In addition, even if the user logs off and the administrator deletes all
of the unnecessary files from the home directory, the versions of these files that reside on the workstation
will not be deleted at logon and will be written back to the server again at log off. This file copy process is
avoided if you place the profile in a subdirectory of the home directory, as follows:
Setting Persistent Connections
Persistent connections are stored in the User Profiles registry hive under the
Network subkey. If you create a template User Profile that includes persistent
connections and you have to supply credentials when making those connec-
tions, the credentials—with the exception of the password you used—are
stored in the User Profile. When the new user receives the template User Pro-
file, these saved credentials are passed (as opposed to the logged on user’s
credentials), and the connection may fail.
There are three methods to correct this:
1. You can recreate the profile without supplying alternate credentials when
connecting to network resources, or
2. Using Registry Editor (Regedt32.exe), use blank spaces to erase the
contents of the USERNAME value under
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network\drive letter. (Do not delete the value—
just fill it with blank spaces.) Save the profile. For additional help, refer to
the section “Administering a User Profile Manually Through the Registry”
later in this document, or
10 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
3. Delete the network connection and reconnect.
Working Around Slow Network Links
Slow Net (which is configured in System Policy) was designed to offer a user
faster access to his or her User Profile if the system detects a slower network
speed, such as a modem line connection. Instead of automatically download-
ing a profile that may be several hundred kilobytes to several megabytes large,
Slow Net gives the user the option of either downloading the profile or using
the locally cached version. If the cached file is used, it can significantly reduce
the time it takes to log on to the computer. To detect a slow network, the oper-
ating system computes the amount of time it takes to receive a response from
the server (which the profile path defines as part of the user account). As sys-
tem administrator, you can determine the allowable slow network speed. Use
the System Policy Editor to set this value.
If the user uses the Control Panel System application to change the profile
type to Local, then the cached copy of the User Profile is opened every time
the user logs on. Any changes that occur to the profile are written locally and
not to the server location.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Creating a New Roaming User Profile for
Windows NT 4.0
To create a new roaming User Profile, you must first determine where the
user’s profile will be stored. You then must create a user account (if one
doesn’t already exist), and specify a User Profile path. Finally, you must spec-
ify whether a given user will use a specific profile or can use a default profile.
These procedures are described below.
To create a new roaming user profile:
1. If a location has not already been prepared, create a directory on the
server and establish a network share. Give the user a minimum of Change
permissions to the shared directory. (For more information on planning for
this type of user, read the sections “Selecting a Location to Save User
Profiles” and “Setting Permissions for User Profiles” earlier in this docu-
ment.) If your implementation stores user profiles within users’ home
directories, make the profile directory a subdirectory of the user’s home di-
rectory. (Note that this approach precludes the use of the %USERNAME%
variable.) To prevent the share from being browsable, append “$” to the
share name.
2. If this will be a domain user or if this will be a local account for a
Windows NT Server-based machine, use User Manager for Domains to
create the account. If this will be a Windows NT 4.0 Workstation account,
use the version of User Manager included in the Administrative Tools pro-
gram group. Refer to your operating system documentation and online
Help for procedures when using these tools. (Note that for this example,
the user account is mydomainuser.)
3. Enter the User Profile path. This is the location where the User Profile will
be stored, for example: \\myserver\myshare\mydomainuser.
Or, if the profile is being stored within the user’s home directory, use:
4. If the user is to receive the Default User profile from the workstation where
he or she will interactively log on, no further administration is required.
If the user’s profile will be a copy of an existing user profile, refer to
Step 9. Otherwise, use User Manager to create an account for establish-
ing a template profile. So that you can easily identify this account, we
recommend that it be called TemplateUser.
5. Using the template account (TemplateUser), log on to the local machine or
domain. A new directory with the same name as the user name created in
Step 4 will be created in the %systemroot%\Profiles directory when you
first log on. For example, if the user name is TemplateUser, the resulting
directory name will be %systemroot%\Profiles\TemplateUser.
6. Modify any items that need to differ from the current default (for example,
you may choose to modify the background color or bitmap, shortcuts on
the desktop, and View options in My Computer).
7. Log off, and then log back on to the same computer using an account with
administrative privileges.
12 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
8. Place the template profile in the appropriate location for the type of profile
distribution that will be used. (The template profile, including customiza-
tions, is stored initially in %systemroot%\Profiles\TemplateUser.)
If the template profile will be distributed manually to multiple users:
a) Create a directory where the template profile will be stored for
distribution to each user account created.
b) From the Windows NT-based machine hosting the template pro-
file to be used, log on as an administrator.
c) From the Control Panel, click System. From the User Profiles
page, use the Copy To option to enter the path of the directory
you just created.
d) Modify the permissions to allow the Everyone group to use the
profile. To do this, click the Change button, select the group, and
click OK.
e) Continue to Step 9.
If the template profile will be distributed via the Default User folder
on validating servers:
a) Create a Default User directory in the NETLOGON share (which
is %systemroot%\Repl\Import\Scripts by default) of validating do-
main controllers. This folder name must be named Default User or
the profile will not be downloaded from the server. To keep the
Default User profile consistent across domain controllers and to
ease administrative overhead, you can create this folder on one
computer and then use the directory replication service to export it
to all validating domain controllers.
b) If a user logs on and does not have an existing local or server-
based profile and your implementation uses the Default User
folder on validating domain controllers, Windows NT will check
the NETLOGON share for the Default User profile before it uses
the local default profile. (Workstations save the server Default
User profile on a local cache.) Windows NT will check the
time/date/size of the server copy against the locally cached copy
before downloading the server copy. And, if the files are identical,
Windows NT will use the local copy of the server Default User
c) Continue to Step 10.
9. In the \\server\share from Step 1, create the directory structure you speci-
fied as the path in Step 3. For example, create the directory
mydomainuser under \\myserver\myshare. If the profile is to be stored
within the user's home directory, use the directory structure
\mydomainuser\profile under \\myserver\myshare.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
10. Copy the profile appropriate to your implementation.
To copy an existing user’s profile to another user:
a) From the Windows NT-based machine hosting the profile to be
used, log on as an administrator.
b) From the Control Panel, click System. On the User Profiles page,
select the profile to be copied and use the Copy To option to en-
ter the path of the directory you created in Step 9.
c) Modify the permissions to reflect the proper account. To do this,
click the Change button, select the account, and click OK. Click
OK again to copy the profile.
To copy the template profile to the Default User folder on validating
domain controllers:
a) From the Windows NT-based machine hosting the profile to be
used, log on as an administrator.
b) From the Control Panel, click System. On the User Profiles page,
select the profile to be copied and use the Copy To option to en-
ter the path of the Default User directory on the validating domain
c) Modify the permissions to reflect the Everyone group. To do this,
click the Change button, select the account, and click OK. Click
OK again to copy the profile.
To copy a template profile manually to a number of users:
a) Copy the entire contents (files and subdirectories) from the direc-
tory containing the template user profile created in Step 8 to the
directory created in Step 9.
b) Repeat this for each of the user profile directories that will receive
the template user profile.
When entering the path to the target directory, you can use Uniform Naming Convention (UNC)
names. However, if you are going to use the Browse function to locate the target directory for the
profile, it is important that you first map a drive to the \\server\share where the profile will be stored.
The mydomainuser name shown in Step 2 does not have to be the user’s name. Many user accounts
or groups can be configured to point to the same profile. Of course, if the profile is shared by a
group of users and is not mandatory, as each user logs off, the user’s changes are written back to
the shared profile.
The profile does not need to be stored one directory below the server\share. The profile can be
nested several directories below, or the profile path can be local.
If the profile path points to a directory on the local machine, a share is not needed.
The variable %USERNAME% is replaced by the user name only once in the User Profile path in User
Manager, and it must be the last subdirectory in the path. However, extensions can still be added,
such as .usr or .man.
You can select any group or a specific user when setting the permissions. However, only the user or
group specified will be able to use the profile. For this reason, it is recommended that the Everyone
group be given permission to use template profiles.
14 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Once the above steps are completed, the user receives the appropriate
profile as follows:
If the user is to receive the Default User profile from a Windows NT 4.0-
based workstation, the workstation’s default profile is used when the user
first logs on. When the user logs off, the profile is automatically written to
the local cache and to the server-based profile.
If the user is to receive the Default User profile from the validating domain
controller, the default profile from the server is used when the user first
logs on. When the user logs off, this profile is automatically written to the
local cache and to the server-based profile.
In all other cases, the profile—including the folder trees and the file originally included with the profile—is written to the user’s
profile directory. The permissions are also encoded into the binary file.
Creating a New Mandatory User Profile for
Windows NT 4.0
To create a new mandatory User Profile:
1. If a location has not already been prepared, create a directory on the
server and establish a network share. Users who will have mandatory pro-
files need only Read permissions to the shared directory. (For more
information on planning for this type of user, read the sections “Selecting a
Location to Save User Profiles” and “Setting Permissions for User Profiles”
earlier in this document.) If your implementation stores user profiles within
users’ home directories, make the profile directory a subdirectory of the
user’s home directory. (Note that this approach precludes the use of the
%USERNAME% variable.) To prevent the share from being browsable,
append “$” to the share name.
2. If this will be a domain user or if this will be a local account for a
Windows NT Server, use User Manager for Domains to create the ac-
count. If this will be a Windows NT 4.0 Workstation account, use the
version of User Manager included in the Administrative Tools program
group. Refer to your operating system documentation and online Help for
procedures when using these tools. (Note that for this example, the user
account is mydomainuser.)
3. Enter the User Profile path. This is the location where the User Profile will
be stored, for example: \\myserver\myshare\mydomainuser.
Or, if the profile is being stored within the user’s home directory, use:
4. Determine if an extension needs to be appended to the User Profile path.
If it will be mandatory that the user reads the profile from the server, and if
logon will be denied unless this is the case, add the extension .man to the
User Profile path; for example: \\myserver\myshare\
5. Use User Manager to create an account for establishing the template pro-
file. So that you can easily identify this account, we recommend that it be
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
called TemplateUser.
6. Using the template account (TemplateUser), log on to the local machine or
domain. A new directory with the same name as the user name created in
Step 2 will be created in the %systemroot%\Profiles directory when you
first log on. For example, if the user name is TemplateUser, the resulting
directory name will be %systemroot%\Profiles\TemplateUser.
7. Modify any items that need to differ from the current default (for example,
you may choose to modify the background color or bitmap, shortcuts on
the desktop, and View options in My Computer).
8. Log off, and then log back on to the same computer using an account with
administrative privileges.
9. In the \\server\share from Step 1, create the directory structure you speci-
fied as the path in Step 3. For example, you would need to create the
directory mydomainuser under \\myserver\myshare. Or, if the profile is
stored in the user’s home directory, you would need to create the directory
structure \mydomainuser\profile under \\myserver\myshare.
If you appended the .man extension to the User Profile path in Step 4,
append the .man suffix to the directory name for the folder where the pro-
file will be stored. The .man extension identifies a Windows NT 4.0
mandatory profile that must be accessible for the user to logon. For exam-
ple, if the user name is mydomainuser, the path to the mandatory profile
would be \\myserver\myshare\
If you also have a mandatory Windows NT 3.5x profile for the user, use
the .pdm extension in place of the .man extension (for example,
\\myserver\myshare\mydomainuser.pdm). The .pdm extension is required
because the profile folder cannot have the same name as the
Windows NT 3.5x User Profile located in the same parent folder.
10. From the Windows NT-based machine hosting the template profile to be
used, log on as an administrator.
11. From the Control Panel, click System. From the User Profiles page, select
the profile to be copied and use the Copy To option to enter the path of
the directory you created in Step 9.
12. Modify the permissions to allow the user or group to use the profile. To do
this, click the Change button, select the account, and click OK. You can
select any group or specific user when setting the permissions; however
only the user or group specified will be able to use the profile.
The profile—including the folder trees and the file originally
included with the profile—is written to the location you designated. The
permissions are also encoded into the binary file.
13. In the directory that the profile was copied to in Step 3, check the file for the .man extension. If the extension is .dat, the profile
will still be modifiable. Change the extension to .man if necessary.
16 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
When entering the path to the target directory, you can use universal naming convention (UNC)
names. However, if you are going to use the Browse function to locate the target directory for the
profile, it is important that you first map a drive to the \\server\share where the profile will be stored.
The mydomainuser name shown in Step 2 does not have to be the user’s name. Many user accounts
or groups can be configured to point to the same profile. Because this is a mandatory profile, this
may be the desired use of the profile since the administrator wants all the users in the group to re-
ceive the same settings.
The profile does not need to be stored one directory below the \\server\share. The profile can be
nested several directories below, or the profile path can be local.
If the profile path points to a directory on the local machine, a share is not needed.
The variable %USERNAME% is replaced by the user name only once in the User Profile path, in User
Manager, and it must be the last subdirectory in the path. However, extensions can still be added,
such as .usr or .man.
The %LOGONSERVER% variable can be used for mandatory profiles to provide fault tolerance. Do
not place double slashes ( \\) in front of %LOGONSERVER%; doing so will prevent the variable from
being read properly. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q141714 for more information.
You can use the TemplateUser account to test changes before making them available to users by
copying the adjusted profile directory to test accounts prior to rollout.
You can select any group or a specific user when setting the permissions. However, only the user or
group specified will be able to use the profile. For this reason, it is recommended that the Everyone
group be given permission to use template profiles.
Making a Roaming Profile Mandatory in
Windows NT 4.0
You have two options when configuring a mandatory roaming profile: you can
change the user’s ability to modify the User Profile, or you can change the
user’s ability to modify the User Profile and enforce the use of the server-
based profile at logon. With the second option, the user is not able to log on to
the system if the network profile is unavailable. Each of these procedures will
be explained more fully below.
Changing the User’s Ability to Modify a Profile
When creating a User Profile or at any time thereafter, you have the option of
enforcing whether or not the user can modify the profile by changing the ex-
tension on the NTuser.dat file. The NTuser.dat file is located in the root of the
user’s profile directory. If you change the name of this file to,
when Windows NT reads the profile, it marks the profile as read-only, and any
changes that the user makes while logged on are not written back to the
server-based profile when he or she logs off.
To change the user’s ability to make modifications to the User Profile
1. Locate the user’s profile in the account’s User Profile path.
2. While the user is logged off, rename the NTuser.dat file to
(Note that if you make this change while the user is logged on, the user’s
copy of the profile will overwrite your changes, because at the time the
user logged on, he or she had permission to overwrite the profile.)
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Be cautious if you use the Explorer interface to make these changes. If
you have the “Hide file extensions for known file types” option enabled
(this is the default), be sure to check the properties to be sure that there
are not two extensions. For example, say you want to make a profile man-
datory and you use Explorer to rename the NTuser.dat file name to Because of the Hide extensions default, Explorer saves the
file as type .man, but does not display the .man extension. Later, you de-
cide to allow the user to make changes again, and through Explorer, you
rename the file back to NTuser.dat. However, because Explorer was hid-
ing that part of the file name that determines its type, the only thing you
rename is the prefix. The file name is now To avoid this
situation, you can either rename files from the command line or change
the behavior of Explorer.
Enforcing the Use of the Server-based Profile
In addition to enforcing the read-only property of a profile, the administrator
can duplicate the functionality that was available in Windows NT 3.5x of not
allowing the user to log on unless the server profile is available.
To enforce the use of the server-based profile for a given user:
1. Append the .man extension to the User Profile path in User Manager as
explained in the previous section. (Skip this step for users who have ex-
isting Windows NT 3.5x profiles and who already have the .man extension
appended to their profile paths.)
2. If the user already has a Windows NT 3.5x mandatory profile on the
server, change the name of the folder where the Windows NT 4.0 roaming
profile currently exists to foldername.pdm. If the user logs on to a
Windows NT 4.0-based workstation and the User Profile path contains
the .man extension, Windows NT will determine that a mandatory
Windows NT 3.5x profile exists and will automatically replace the .man
extension with .pdm and will look for the directory path configured in the
User Profile path. For example, at logon if the User Profile path is config-
ured to use \\server\share\, Windows NT will look for
\\server\share\username.pdm for the correct profile to load.
If only the Windows NT 4.0 user profile exists, change the name of the
folder where the Windows NT 4.0 roaming profile exists to folder- If the user logs on to a Windows NT 4.0-based workstation
and the User Profile path contains the extension .man, Windows NT will
look for the directory path configured in the User Profile path. If Win-
dows NT does not find the directory, it will replace the .man extension with
.pdm, and will check again.
3. If you haven't already done so, change the name of the file to
NTuser.dat. (Refer to the section, “Changing the User’s Ability to Modify a
Profile, ” in this document.)
18 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Creating a New Roaming User Profile for a
Windows 95 User
If you have Windows 95 users in your domain, you can create roaming user
profiles for them as well.
To create a roaming user profile for a Windows 95 user
1. On the client Windows 95-based computer, start Control Panel, and select
2. From the User Profiles property page, enable the option that allows users
to have individual profiles, and set the Primary Network Logon to Client
for Microsoft Networks.
3. Reboot the client machine.
4. Use User Manager for Domains to create the user account (if it does not
already exist). For the user’s home directory, specify the location where
the User Profile will be stored. An example would be:
This automatically creates a folder with the user name. If a dialog box is
displayed stating that the operation failed, create the folder manually be-
fore continuing.
5. Decide whether the user will receive a specific profile or if a default will be
used instead:
If the user will receive a specific profile, from the Windows 95-based
computer hosting the profile to be used, copy the complete contents of
the local Profile folder to the folder created in Step 4. This writes the
profile to the destination, including the folder trees and the
file originally included with the profile.
If a default profile will be used, no administrative action is required.
When the user logs on, the Default User Profile from the local
Windows 95-based machine will be used. At log off, this profile will be
written to the user’s home directory with any customizations the user
has made.
If you need to troubleshoot problems with users not receiving their User Profiles, have the users
execute the command: NET USE * /HOME from the command prompt on the client machine. This
verifies that the user can access the home directory, and allows the user to verify that the User Pro-
file exists in that folder.
The profile does not need to be stored one directory below the \\server\share. The profile can be
nested several directories below, if desired.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Creating a New Mandatory User Profile
for Windows 95
If you have Windows 95 users in your domain, you can create new mandatory
user profiles.
To create a mandatory user profile for a Windows 95 user:
1. On the client Windows 95-based computer, start Control Panel, and select
2. From the User Profiles property page, enable the option that allows users
to have individual profiles, and set the Primary Network Logon to Client
for Microsoft Networks.
3. Reboot the client machine.
4. Use User Manager for Domains to create the user account (if it does not
already exist). For the user’s home directory, specify the location where
the User Profile will be stored. An example would be:
This automatically creates a folder with the user name. If a dialog is dis-
played stating that the operation failed, create the folder manually before
5. Copy the Template Profile that you are using for mandatory profiles to the
user’s home directory:
From the Windows 95-based machine hosting the mandatory, copy
the complete contents of the local Profile folder to the folder created
previously. This writes the profile to the destination, including the
folder trees and the file originally included with the profile.
If you have not already done so, rename the User.dat file to
At logon, the user will download the mandatory profile, cache it, and no
changes will be written back to the server at log off.
The profile does not need to be stored one directory below the \\server\share. The profile can be
nested several directories below, if desired.
Alternatively, a new profile can be made mandatory by the user logging on, logging off, and the
administrator changing the User.dat file to
Maintaining User Profiles with Control Panel
System Properties
In Windows NT 4.0, much of the functionality provided by individual tools in
Windows NT 3.5x has been consolidated in the Control Panel System Proper-
ties application. And System Properties, when used in conjunction with the
20 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
System Policy Editor, provides even greater functionality than Windows NT
3.5x delivered. Some of the features of System Properties are described next.
NOTE: In Windows NT 3.5x, you used the User Profile Editor to modify User Profile properties. In
Windows NT 4.0, this tool has been replaced by a combination of the User Profile structure and System
Policies. User Profile Editor is not included in the Windows NT 4.0 package.
The User Profiles property sheet (shown in the figure below) allows you to
view the list of User Profiles. From there you can delete, copy, or modify the
profile type for each of the profiles listed. Note that the profiles listed are only
for those users who have interactively logged onto the local machine. User
profiles that have been created and not used or profiles that are stored for use
on remote machines are not included in this list. Furthermore, if a user does
not have administrative rights, only that user’s profile is listed. Administrators
have permissions to see all available profiles.
Deleting Profiles
The User Profiles property sheet allows users with administrator privileges to
delete unused profiles that still exist on a local computer. (In Windows NT 3.5x,
this function was available in the Main group of the Windows NT Setup pro-
gram.) To delete a User Profile, select the profile name and click the Delete
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
button. This deletes the User Profile on the local machine, but it does not de-
lete the associated User Account. Note that sometimes the phrase “Account
Deleted” is present in the list of profiles. These are accounts that were deleted
from the User Account Database, but whose profiles still exist on the local
If you need to delete profiles on remote computers, the Delprof.exe utility
available in the Windows NT Server Resource Kit, version 4.0, provides this
functionality. Windows NT 4.0 User Profiles can grow quite large and can take
up considerable disk space, particularly if several people are using one com-
puter. With Delprof.exe, you can reclaim disk space by removing profiles that
are no longer needed. This utility deletes User Profiles on computers running
Windows NT, and it can be used on a local or remote computer running
Windows NT 4.0 or earlier. However, because Delprof.exe is Unicode-based, it
cannot run on Windows 95.
NOTE: Delprof.exe will delete everything contained in a user's profile, including settings, colors, and user
documents. Please be aware of any user documents that may be deleted before using this tool.
The syntax of Delprof.exe is as follows:
delprof [/q] [/i] [/p] [/c:\\computername] [/d:days] [/?]
Runs Delprof.exe in quiet mode, with no confirma-
tion for each profile to be deleted.
Indicates that Delprof.exe should ignore errors and
continue deleting.
Prompts for confirmation before deleting each pro-
/c:\\computername Specifies a remote computer name on which to run
Specifies the number of days of inactivity (days is
an integer). Profiles with longer inactivity will be
Displays command-line syntax.
See the Windows NT Server Resource Kit for more information.
It is important to note that if a user is logged on locally to a machine and
then attempts to delete his or her own profile, a message will appear stating
that the profile is currently in use and cannot be deleted. The user must log off,
log back on using a different account with administrator privileges, and delete
the profile. In addition, if a service is running for a particular user account, the
same message may appear. If this happens, stop the service and then delete
the profile.
Changing the Profile Type from Roaming to Local
With the User Profiles Change Type feature, a user can control which copy of
22 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
the User Profile (local or roaming) is read when he or she logs on. (Note that
the user can do this interactively while logged on.) Users do not need adminis-
trative privileges to change which profile is used if the profile is not a
mandatory profile.
Valid profile types are:
Local Profile—A local profile is maintained on the local computer.
This option allows the user to specify that the once “roaming” profile is
now “local” to this machine. Although the remote profile is still avail-
able, if the Local Profile option is selected, the locally cached profile
will be used instead. The user should be aware that if he or she
makes changes to the profile, those changes will be saved in the lo-
cally cached version only and will not be replicated in the server-
based profile. Note that the system can choose this selection auto-
matically if the server-based profile is unavailable.
Roaming Profile—If the user selects the roaming profile and the
roaming profile is available, Windows NT determines whether the
server or local copy is newer. If the local copy is newer, the user is
asked to choose which copy he or she would like to use. Note that if
the system detects a slow network link, the user will be given this
same choice of profiles. The Roaming Profile selection is available if:
There is a valid path specified in the User Profile path portion of
the user account properties, and
The User Profile path is accessible at the time of logon.
Roaming Profile with “Use cached profile on slow connec-
tions”—If a user selects this option, he or she is not asked which
copy to use with a slow connection. Instead, the system uses the lo-
cally cached copy automatically.
If a user has a roaming profile, it is possible for that user to change the
mode to Local and have Windows NT use the local version always, even
though the roaming profile is still available. However, a user cannot do this if
the system administrator assigns that user a mandatory profile and has added
the .man extension to the user’s profile path.
Determining Which Profile Is Displayed
There may be cases where users who have identical names but are from dif-
ferent domains will log on to the same machine. If this occurs, you will notice
several directories that start with the same prefix in the %systemroot%\Profiles
directory tree. You can use the User Profiles property page to determine which
file is associated with which user, as follows:
1. Compare the Modified and Size properties to those of the actual directo-
ries. The Size property displayed in User Profiles is the total size of the
directory residing in the profiles tree, not the size of the file
alone. Match the directory sizes in the profiles tree to the number dis-
played on the User Profiles property page.
2. If the user is currently logged on, right-click the Start button. If context
menus have not been disabled, select the option to Explore and Explorer
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
will open to the profile directory used by that account.
3. If you don’t know when the user last logged on, look for the NTuser.dat file
with a time and date stamp that matches the Modified date displayed in
the User Profiles property page.
Copying Profiles
Use the User Profiles Copy To button to copy existing profiles from the local
machine to another profile directory on the same machine or to a remote
server where server-based User Profiles are stored. The Copy To dialog box
(see the figure below) performs two functions. First, the Copy profile to option
provides a Browse button that enables you to view local and remote drives to
select the directory where the profile should be copied. In addition, the dialog
provides a Permitted to Use option that allows you to select the user account
or group that has permission to use the profile.
When the permissions are written to the profile, they are stored in the file. When a new profile is created, the user that created the profile
is given permission to use that profile. However, those with administrator per-
missions can use the Change button or the Registry Editor to change these
When you click the Browse button, the following dialog box appears. It is
important to note that this dialog does not allow you to create directories. You
must create the required directories before you copy the profile.
24 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Viewing the Contents of the Profiles Directory
on a Local Computer
All locally cached versions of User Profiles are stored in the profiles subdirec-
tory of the Windows NT root directory. The profiles subdirectory maintains
each user’s profile separately by generating a specific directory for each user.
Within that directory, the registry hive, NTuser.dat, and the rest of the profile
structure folders are kept. If a user is allowed to view context menus or has
administrator privileges, the user can right-click the Start button, click the Ex-
plore option, and have the Explorer window automatically open to his or her
profile directory with the contents displayed. In addition, administrators can
click the Explore All Users option to display the All Users profile directory.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
You may notice that in a given user’s profile directory, there are more files
and directories than those listed in the example above. This may be due to the
files and directories created by the user. For example, when the user logs on, if
the server-based profile is found to be more recent than the one on the local
computer, the entire contents of the User Profile path is copied to the client
workstation and is then written back to the server when the user logs off. If the
user has saved any documents in the home directory and the home directory is
in the user’s User Profile path, the documents become part of the User Profile.
These documents are downloaded when you log on to the network and written
back to the server when you log off the network. Note that this process could
slow down the logon process considerably.
Log Files Used by Profiles
Log files are binary files that track changes to a profile. As changes are made,
they are recorded in a log file and then written to If for some rea-
son, the changes cannot be recorded in, they are applied at the
next logon. When a user makes a change to his or her profile, the change is
made to the user's locally cached profile, even if a mandatory profile is in use.
(In this case, the changes are not propagated to the server copy and are
overwritten the next time the user logs on.) If the user has a roaming User Pro-
file, when the user logs off, the NTuser.dat file is copied to the server and the
changes are saved (unless the profile is being used in a local mode).
The All Users Shared Profile
The All Users profile directory contains common groups that apply to all users
logging on locally to a given workstation. When a user logs on, programs and
shortcuts from the All Users profile are also available to the user—in addition
to the user’s personal User Profile programs and shortcuts. Note that the All
Users profile on a domain controller does not apply to domain users logging on
26 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
at remote workstations. The All Users profile is workstation-specific and con-
tains the common groups for just that computer. If you want to specify
programs, shortcuts, or directories to be used by everyone who logs on to a
specific workstation, you should place these in the All Users profile directory.
If you need to establish domain-wide common groups and settings, use the
System Policy Editor to modify registry entries on remote workstations so that
they point to server directories for common groups, as opposed to pointing to
the local All Users profile. Later, if you need to remove the domain-wide set-
tings and have remote users point to the All Users profile from the local
workstations once again, you’ll need to change the default path used in the
System Policy Editor to:
%systemroot%\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs
Refer to the System Policy portion of this guide for specific procedures.
Default User Template Profiles
During Windows NT 4.0 Workstation installation, the setup program creates a
generic User Profile, the Default User, and saves it in a folder in the profiles
directory. These default settings define an environment for new users who log
on to the computer locally or who log on to a domain that does not contain a
network Default User profile. When a new user logs on, a profile directory is
created for that user, and the default settings are written to the new user’s di-
rectory. (The profile may or may not then be customizable, depending upon
how the administrator has configured profiles.)
In Windows NT 4.0, administrators have the option of generating a network
Default User profile that, if present, will be used before the local Default User
profile is used. With the original retail release of Windows NT 4.0, workstations
downloaded this network Default User profile and the most recent NTconfig.pol
file, and cached them in the local Default User (Network) and Policy folders,
respectively. Then, instead of automatically downloading these from the server
whenever they were needed, the logon process compared the time/date/size
stamps of the two versions, and if they were the same, used the cached ver-
sions without performing another download. With Windows NT 4.0 Service
Pack 2, however, the System Policy file, NTconfig.pol, is downloaded during
each logon. (The profile functionality remains unchanged—the profile is
downloaded only if the local copy is out of date.)
Profile Names and Storage in the Registry
Windows NT 4.0 records which profile should be used by which user by plac-
ing registry keys for the user’s security ID (SID) in the registry in:
Each user who has logged on to the local machine will have a SID recorded
here in a subkey, with a value that contains the path to that user’s local profile,
ProfileImagePath. Should multiple users with the same account name log on to
the network, separate distinct profiles are created for each. For example, if
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
multiple users with the account name John Smith log on to the computer, the
first John Smith is assigned a folder named JohnSmith. Subsequent users with
the same name are assigned folders named JohnSmith with a numerical suffix
appended, for example JohnSmith.000, JohnSmith.001, and so forth.
Manually Administering a User Profile through the
As system administrator, you may need to change a given setting to avoid un-
necessary user interaction, to make modifications before setting the profile to
mandatory, or to add custom registry entries. In addition, you may need to
modify the Default User Profile on a computer before new users log on and
use it as the template. You can open a specific user’s profile or the Default
User Profile and customize it manually as explained in the procedure below.
NOTE: Make sure that the user is not logged on before using this procedure. If the user is logged on while
changes are made, the changes will be overwritten by the user’s preferences because profile settings are
saved at log off.
As discussed earlier, the NTuser.dat file contains all of the registry settings
located in HKEY_CURRENT_USER. As system administrator, you can modify
the data contained in the NTuser.dat portion of the profile by loading the hive
into the registry.
To manually customize a User Profile:
1. Locate the profile to be modified.
If the profile is a server-based profile, locate the
\\server\share\username and determine the extension on the file.
If the profile is a local profile, locate the %system-
root%\Profiles\username directory, and determine the extension on
the file.
If you need to edit the Default User Profile, locate the %system-
root%\Profiles\Default User directory, and determine the extension on
the file.
If you need to edit the Network Default User Profile, locate the Default
User folder in the NETLOGON share of the domain controllers that
are doing user authentication, and determine the extension on the file. If there is more than one domain controller and di-
rectory replication is ensuring that the “Default User” profile is the
same on all domain controllers, open only the profile on the domain
controller which is the export server.
2. Start Regedt32.exe, and select the HKEY_USERS on Local Machine
window. Highlight the root key of HKEY_USERS.
3. From the Registry menu, select Load Hive.
4. Browse for the directory identified in Step 1, and select the file
located in that directory.
5. A dialog will prompt you to enter a Key Name. You can use any value, but
you must remember this value so that you can select it during the unload
28 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
process. For this reason, we recommend that you use the user name.
6. Click Enter. This adds the profile registry hive as a subkey to
HKEY_USERS, as shown in the illustration below.
7. Edit the existing values as necessary.
8. After completing the changes, highlight the root of the user’s profile regis-
try key, and from the Registry menu, select Unload Hive. This saves the
changes to the user’s profile. (When you first selected Load Hive, the key
was mapped to the file selected in the Open dialog. A Save As option is
therefore unnecessary.)
Modifying the Default User Profile
To modify a Windows NT-based workstation’s Default User Profile settings or
to modify the Network Default User Profile, load the hive into the
registry as outlined above, make the necessary changes, and unload the hive
(this automatically saves the changes).
The workstation Default User Profile is located in the
\%systemroot%\Profiles\Default User directory.
To make changes to the Network Default User Profile, use the file from the scripts export directory
(%systemroot%\system32\repl\export\scripts) of the domain
controller that is the export server for the domain. Any changes
that you make to this file will be replicated to the other domain
controllers (which are import servers).
To provide users with a Default User Profile that contains custom shortcuts,
folders, and files that are not centrally managed, place the icons in the appro-
priate folder within the Default User Profile. New users will receive the
shortcuts, folders, and files as part of their new profiles. For example, if you
want each new user that logs on to a given computer to receive a folder called
“My Storage” on the desktop, just create this folder in the path:
\%systemroot%\Profiles\Default User\Desktop.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Upgrading Windows NT 3.5x Server-based Profiles to
Windows NT 4.0 Roaming Profiles
When you upgrade Windows NT 3.5x roaming profiles (.usr profiles), you do
not need to change anything in the profile path configured in the user account.
When the user logs on to a Windows NT 4.0-based machine and the profile is
found to be a Windows NT 3.5x profile, a process automatically looks for the
equivalent Windows NT 4.0 profile. If the profile isn’t found, a conversion proc-
ess creates a new Windows NT 4.0 profile using the settings established in the
Windows NT 3.5x profile.
During the conversion process, Windows NT 4.0 creates a directory for the
new profile in the same location as the existing Windows NT 3.5x profile. The
resulting directory has a .pds extension, which stands for Profile Directory
Structure, rather than the previous Windows NT 3.5x .usr extension. For ex-
ample, if the User Profile path for the Windows NT 3.5x user mydomainuser is
\\myserver\myshare\mydomainuser.usr, and the user logs on to a Windows NT
4.0-based machine, the profile directory mydomainuser.pds would be created
within \\myserver\myshare.
This approach allows the user to log on to the network from either a
Windows NT 3.5x or 4.0-based workstation. If the user were to log on from a
Windows NT 3.5x-based computer, the profile path would direct the
Windows NT 3.5x-based machine to the User Profile used prior to the
Windows NT 4.0 upgrade. If the user then moved to a Windows NT 4.0-based
computer, the user’s Windows NT-based workstation would recognize that the
profile contained Windows NT 3.5x syntax, would replace the .usr with .pds,
and would then use that string to locate the Windows NT 4.0 profile. The re-
sulting Windows NT 4.0 structure will be the Windows NT 3.51 profile (now and the Default User Profile folders.
It is important to emphasize that the Windows NT 3.5x profile is not de-
leted—it is still available to the user should they ever log on from a
Windows NT 3.5x-based computer. It is also important to note that the settings
for these two profiles are completely independent; changes made to the
Windows NT 3.5x profile will not be reflected in the Windows NT 4.0 profile,
and vice versa.
NOTE: As an administrator, if you review the directory structures in the share where users’ roaming pro-
files are stored, and no .pds or .pdm extensions are appended, this is normal. No extension is appended
to roaming profile directories that are new to Windows NT 4.0. These extensions are only added when
profiles are migrated from Windows NT 3.5x to 4.0, or when the administrator creates a new Windows NT
4.0 mandatory profile that requires a successful logon.
Upgrading Windows NT 3.5x Mandatory Profiles to
Windows NT 4.0 Mandatory Profiles
Upgrades of Windows NT 3.5x mandatory profiles to Windows NT 4.0 cannot
be done automatically. This is because the same restrictions that prevent a
user from saving any changes to his or her profile also restricts the system’s
ability to generate a new Windows NT 4.0 mandatory profile from an existing
30 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
When you upgrade a Windows NT 3.5x mandatory profile, the profile path
does not need to be modified. However, you will need to create a new man-
datory profile with the same desired settings. To create the mandatory profile,
you can remove the mandatory extension from the old profile and force a con-
version, or you can create the new profile from a template. Both procedures
are explained below.
To create a mandatory profile from the old profile:
1. Replace the .man extension on the existing mandatory profile with the
extension .usr.
2. Change the extension on the user’s profile path from .man to .usr.
3. Allow the user to log on. This permits the conversion to take place.
4. Have the user log off. This creates a directory with the name of the profile
and a .pds extension.
5. Change the .pds folder extension to .pdm and change the user’s profile
path back to .man.
6. Rename the NTuser.dat file to
To create the profile from an existing template profile:
1. In the \\server\share specified in the User Profile path, create a folder with
the directory name of the location where the profile is stored. Use the .pdm
extension for this directory name. For example, if the user name is
domainuser, the directory name would be \\server\share\domainuser.pdm.
2. On the Windows NT-based computer hosting the profile, log on as an ad-
ministrator and map a drive to the \\server\share where the profile will be
3. From the Control Panel, click System.
4. On the User Profiles page, select the profile to be copied. Use the Copy
To option to select the user’s folder created in Step 1, modify the permis-
sions to reflect the proper account, and click OK.
The profile is now written to the designated location, including the folder
trees and the file originally included with the profile. The per-
missions are also encoded into the binary file.
5. In the directory that the profile was copied to, check the file for
the .man extension. If the extension is .dat, the profile will still be modifi-
able. Change the extension to .man, if necessary.
Note that because the User Profile was saved into a directory with a .pdm
extension, both the Windows NT 3.5x and Windows NT 4.0 profiles exist on
the server. A user can log on from either a Windows NT 3.5x or Windows NT
4.0-based computer, and the appropriate profile will be used.
Extracting a User Profile for Use on Another
Domain or Machine
As explained previously in this document, a user is given explicit permissions
to use a profile, and these permissions can be created and controlled by an
administrator or generated automatically by the system when the user first logs
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
If a profile has permissions that differ from those needed by the user (for
example, if the profile was created for a user on a different domain), the profile
permissions must be changed to function correctly. As an example, suppose
you have a Windows NT-based workstation that you would like to have join the
domain, but you want the user to be able to retain his or her profile settings.
The Windows NT-based workstation is currently a part of the WORKER work-
group and will be joining the domain BIGDOMAIN.
To change the profile:
1. Log on to the computer as an administrator, and create a local account
that will be used only temporarily to house the profile during the conver-
sion process.
2. Log on as a temporary user and immediately log off. This will create a
subdirectory underneath the %systemroot%\Profiles directory with the
name of the account that logged on.
3. Log back on as an administrator, and configure the workstation to join the
4. After the workstation has joined the domain, reboot the computer.
5. After the machine restarts, log on as the user from the domain that will
need the converted profile, and then log off. This sets up the directory
structure needed to complete the conversion process.
6. Log back on as an administrator, and copy the profile structure, including
the file and all subdirectories, from the directory that stored the
workgroup user’s profile to the subdirectory created for the temporary user
in Step 2.
7. From the Control Panel, click System.
8. On the User Profiles property page, select the temporary user profile, and
click Copy To. Browse under %systemroot%\Profiles to locate the subdi-
rectory that contains the profile for the domain user that logged on in Step
5. Click OK and then click the Change button for the permissions.
9. Select the domain user who will use the profile. Click OK to copy the profile.
10. Log off and log on as the domain user. The profile settings should now be
available to that user.
NOTE: Alternatively, you can copy the profile and use the instructions from the section “Encoding Per-
missions in the User Profile” to change the permissions. However, this requires that you manually edit the
Creating Profiles Without User-Specific Connections
In some cases, you may want to create profiles that include preconfigured per-
sistent connections. However, if you need to supply alternate credentials when
you create the template profile, this can cause problems for users later when
the profile is used.
Information about persistent connections is stored in the registry location
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Network. This key has subkeys that list the persis-
tent drive connections by drive letter. For each of these subkeys, there is a
value of UserName. If alternate credentials must be supplied to make the con-
32 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
nection, those credentials are also stored here. Note that this includes only the
domain and user account name; the password is not included. When the user
receives this profile and logs on, Windows NT attempts to reconnect the drive,
but the alternate credentials are sent rather than those of the logged on user..
Note that if the UserName value contains a blank string, the credentials of the
logged on user are sent (which is the desired behavior in this case).
To avoid inadequate credentials or wrong credentials being sent, use one of
the following approaches:
Avoid having to supply alternate credentials when you create the connec-
tions to network resources in the shared profile by granting the user
creating the template profile sufficient permissions in advance.
Before modifying the profile to be a mandatory profile, run a REGINI script
that removes the credentials from the UserName value. Do not delete the
value, only the string data.
Troubleshooting User Profiles with the UserEnv.log File
The UserEnv.log is an invaluable tool for troubleshooting the process of load-
ing and unloading User Profiles. Each step in the User Profile process is
recorded in the log, including informational and error-related messages.
The checked version of the UserEnv.dll is the same dynamic link library
(.dll) as the retail version, except that it contains debug flags that you can set
and use with the kernel debugger. This file, which is included in both the
Windows NT Device Driver Kit (DDK) and the Windows NT Software Devel-
opment Kit (SDK), when used in conjunction with a registry entry, generates a
log file that can be used in troubleshooting and debugging problems with
roaming profiles and system policies on Windows NT 4.0 clients.
To enable logging:
1. Rename the file UserEnv.dll in the %systemroot%\SYSTEM32 directory to
UserEnv.old or to a unique name of your choice.
2. Copy the checked version of UserEnv.dll to the
%systemroot%\SYSTEM32 directory of the client machine that you want
to debug. The checked version of the UserEnv file must match the version
of the operating system and Service Pack installed on the client computer.
3. Start REGEDT32 and locate the following path:
4. Create a new value called UserEnvDebugLevel as a REG_DWORD type.
Assign the hex value 10002.
5. Reboot the computer.
Logging information will be recorded in the root directory of the C drive as
UserEnv.log. You can use Notepad to view the log file. A sample log is pro-
vided next.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Sample Log
LoadUserProfile. : Entering, hToken = <0xac>, lpProfileInfo = 0x12f4f4
LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->dwFlags = <0x2>
LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpUserName = <administrator>
LoadUserProfile: NULL central profile path
LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpDefaultPath = <\\DfsES\netlogon\Default User>
LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpServerName = <\\DfsES>
LoadUserProfile: lpProfileInfo->lpPolicyPath = <\\DfsES\netlogon\ntconfig.pol>
RestoreUserProfile: Entering
RestoreUserProfile: Profile path = <>
RestoreUserProfile: User is a Admin
IsCentralProfileReachable: Entering
IsCentralProfileReachable: Null path. Leaving
GetLocalProfileImage: Found entry in profile list for existing local profile
GetLocalProfileImage: Local profile image filename = <%System-
GetLocalProfileImage: Expanded local profile image filename =
GetLocalProfileImage: Found local profile image file ok
Local profile is reachable
Local profile name is <D:\WINNTDfs\Profiles\Administrator>
RestoreUserProfile: No central profile. Attempting to load local profile.
RestoreUserProfile: About to Leave. Final Information follows:
Profile was successfully loaded.
lpProfile->szCentralProfile = <>
lpProfile->szLocalProfile = <D:\WINNTDfs\Profiles\Administrator>
lpProfile->dwInternalFlags = 0x102
RestoreUserProfile: Leaving.
UpgradeProfile: Entering
UpgradeProfile: Build numbers match
UpgradeProfile: Leaving Successfully
ApplyPolicy: Entering
ApplyPolicy: Policy is turned off on this machine.
LoadUserProfile: Leaving with a value of 1. hProfile = <0x60>
34 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
A System Policy is a set of registry settings that defines the computer re-
sources available to an individual or to a group of users. Policies define the
various facets of the desktop environment that a system administrator needs to
control, such as which applications are available, which applications appear on
the user’s desktop, which applications and options appear in the Start menu,
who can change their desktops and who cannot, and so forth. System policies
can be implemented for specific users, groups, computers, or for all users. You
create system policies with the System Policy Editor.
The System Policy Editor is a graphical tool provided with Windows NT
Server 4.0 that allows you to easily update the registry settings to generate the
correct environment for a particular user or group of users. The System Policy
Editor creates a file that contains registry settings which are then written to the
user or local machine portion of the registry database. User Profile settings
that are specific to a user who logs on to a given workstation or server, are
written to the registry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER. Likewise, machine-
specific settings are written under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE.
When you apply a System Policy, the new policy overwrites the existing
registry settings, thus giving you, as system administrator, the ability to set
restrictions for the client machine and user. When a user logs on to a
Windows NT 4.0 computer, the user’s profile is loaded first and then the Sys-
tem Policy is downloaded. Any registry settings that you have reconfigured,
whether these are machine-specific changes or are specific to the user logging
on, are changed before the user receives control of the desktop. Note that
System Policy changes are not dynamic; if you make a change to the policy,
affected users must log off and log back on so that the new policy can be
downloaded and applied.
With a properly implemented policy, you can customize the user’s environ-
ment to your specifications, despite the user’s preferences and regardless of
where he or she logs on. The settings available in the System Policy Editor
provide a variety of options for managing the user environment. For a detailed
list of these options, see the section “Registry Keys Modified by the System
Policy Editor Default Templates.”
System Policy Files
Policies can define a specific user’s settings or the settings for a group of us-
ers. The resulting policy file contains the registry settings for all users, groups,
and computers that will be using the policy file. Separate policy files for each
user, group, or computer are not necessary.
If you create a policy that will be automatically downloaded from validating
domain controllers, you should name the file NTconfig.pol. As system admin-
istrator, you have the option of renaming the policy file and, by modifying the
Windows NT-based workstation, directing the computer to update the policy
from a manual path. You can do this by either manually changing the registry
or by using System Policy. This path can even be a local path such that each
machine has its own policy file, but if a change is necessary to all machines,
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
this change must be made individually to each workstation.
When a user of a Windows NT 4.0-based workstation logs on, if the
Windows NT 4.0-based machine is working in Automatic mode (which is the
default), the workstation checks the NETLOGON share on the validating do-
main controller (DC) for the NTconfig.pol file. If the workstation finds the file, it
downloads it, parses it for the user, group, and computer policy data, and ap-
plies it if appropriate. If a user logs on to a machine that has a computer
account in a resource domain, the search for the NTconfig.pol file is redirected
to the validating domain controller in the account domain. In this situation, the
Windows NT 4.0-based workstation has a secure communication channel es-
tablished to a domain controller of the resource domain. The Windows NT-
based workstation sends the user’s logon request over this communication
channel, and expects a response the same way. The domain controller in the
resource domain receives this request, forwards it to a domain controller in the
user’s account domain, and waits for a response. Once the domain controller
in the resource domain receives this response from the account domain’s DC,
it returns the authentication request to the client machine, including the vali-
dating domain controller’s name from the account domain. The Windows NT-
based workstation now knows where to look for the NTconfig.pol file.
Policy Replication
If you implement a System Policy file for Windows NT users and computers
and you intend to use the default behavior of Windows NT, be sure that direc-
tory replication is occurring properly among all domain controllers that
participate in user authentication. With Windows NT, the default behavior is for
the computer to check for a policy file in the NETLOGON share of the validat-
ing domain controller. If directory replication to a domain controller fails and a
Windows NT-based workstation does not find a policy file on that server, no
policy will be applied and the existing settings will remain, possibly leaving the
user with a nonstandard environment or more capabilities than you want that
particular user to have.
How Policies Are Applied
Once located, policies are applied as follows:
If the policy file includes settings for the specific user account, those are
applied to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry key. Other group settings
are discarded, even if the user is a member of the group, because the
user settings take precedence.
If a user-specific policy is not present, and Default User settings exist, the
Default User settings are applied to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER registry
If no user specific settings are present, and group settings exist, the user’s
group membership in each of those groups is checked. If the user is a
member of one or more groups, the settings from each of the groups—
starting with the lowest priority and continuing through the highest
priority—are applied to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key in the registry.
36 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
e applied to the HKEY_CURRENT_USER key in the registry.
NOTE: If a setting is ignored (gray) in the group settings, but the same setting is marked as enabled
or disabled in the Default User settings, the Default User setting are used. The Default User settings
take precedence over only those settings that are ignored in the group settings.
If the policy file includes settings for the specific computer name, these are
applied to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE registry key. Otherwise, the De-
fault Computer settings are applied. This process is independent of the
user account for the user who is currently logged on. All users receive
these settings when they use this computer.
Group policies do not operate in a NetWare only environment, because Windows NT checks for
Windows NT global groups only, not NetWare groups.
If an administrator logs on, a policy is in effect, no explicit settings exist for the administrative ac-
count, and the Default User settings are present, the administrator will receive the settings of the
Default User. Administrative accounts are not exempt from policies. This should be a key factor to
consider when implementing policies.
The System Policy Editor provides a hierarchical Group Priority dialog that
helps you see and manage the order in which group policies are applied. The
next illustration shows the dialog and explains these priorities.
Additional Implementation Considerations
Although a properly implemented policy can simplify system administration in
the long term, such policy requires careful planning. Before you implement
system policies, consider the following:
Would administration be simplified by defining group settings rather than
creating settings for individual users?
Where are the computers located in your network? Is geographic location
an important aspect of your network’s design—for example, is your net-
work distributed over a large geographic area? If so, computers from a
certain locale may benefit from retrieving policy files from a machine that is
close at hand, as opposed to using a domain controller that may not be
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
What type of restrictions do you want to impose on users?
Will users be allowed to access locally installed common group applica-
tions, or will these be overridden by administrator-defined program groups,
desktop icons, Start menu programs, and so forth?
What other options are available if you simply want to restrict access to a
specific icon or file? Would modifying NTFS permissions be more effective?
Will you be controlling computer-specific settings only, and not user set-
If after considering these issues, you conclude that System Policies will sim-
plify administration of your system, use the System Policy Editor to create the
appropriate individual and/or group policies, as explained in the next section.
38 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
The System Policy Editor is a graphical tool that allows you to easily update
the registry settings to implement a System Policy. The System Policy Editor is
included with Windows NT Server 4.0, but you can install it on Windows NT
Workstation-based machines and on Windows 95-based machines as well.
Note that a policy file is valid only for the platform on which it was created.
For example, if you run Poledit.exe on a Windows 95-based machine, and you
save the policy file, the file will be written in a format that can be interpreted by
Windows 95-based machines only. The same is true when you create policy
files on Windows NT-based machines. As a result, Windows 95 and
Windows NT policy files are not interchangeable.
After you complete the installation, the administrative tools group includes
the System Policy Editor.
Installing the System Policy Editor on a Windows NT
You have two options when installing the System Policy Editor on a
Windows NT Workstation-based computer. You can
Run the Setup.bat file from the Windows NT 4.0 CD-ROM
\Clients\Svrtools\Winnt directory, or
Copy the System Policy Editor executable, Poledit.exe, and template files
to the workstation. The template files have an .adm extension, and are lo-
cated in the %systemroot%\INF directory, which is hidden by default.
Installing the System Policy Editor on a Windows 95
When you install the System Policy Editor on a Windows 95-based computer,
the installation process modifies the Windows 95 registry to allow system poli-
cies to function correctly. You can install the policy editor from the Windows 95
Upgrade or Retail compact disc, or you can install the editor that ships with
Windows NT Server 4.0.
To install the System Policy Editor from the Windows 95 compact disc:
1. Insert the Windows 95 Upgrade compact disc in your CD-ROM drive.
2. Open Control Panel, and click Add/Remove Programs.
3. Click the Windows Setup tab, and select Have Disk.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
4. Browse to locate the directory x:\Admin\Apptools\Poledit\ (where x is drive
A through Z) on the Windows 95 compact disc.
5. Select both Group Policies and the System Policy Editor, and then click
OK to Install.
It is important that you run the setup program as described above. Undesir-
able results will occur if you merely copy the Policy Editor and related files to
the Windows 95-based computer.
To install the System Policy Editor from a Windows NT 4.0 Server:
1. Copy the Poledit.exe file from the Windows NT Server 4.0 to the \windows
directory of the Windows 95-based machine.
2. Copy the Common.adm and Windows.adm files from the Windows NT 4.0-
based server to the \windows directory of the Windows 95-based machine.
3. Create a shortcut to the System Policy Editor executable (Poledit.exe,
located in the \windows directory of the Windows 95-based computer).
Updating the Registry with the System Policy Editor
The System Policy Editor allows you to easily update the registry settings to
generate the correct environment for a particular user or group of users. You
can use the System Policy Editor in two ways:
You can open the local registry through the System Policy Editor, and
change the settings for the local user and computer.
You can modify an existing policy file or create a new one to contain the
settings that you want to enforce on a per user, per computer, or com-
bined user/computer basis.
When you open the System Policy Editor in registry mode, you can modify
the registry of the local computer without having to use Regedt32.exe or Re-
gedit.exe. However, you can modify only those values exposed by the
templates; the System Policy Editor does not give you access to the entire
System Policy Editor Template (.Adm) Files
The System Policy Editor uses administrative (.adm) files to determine which
registry settings can be modified. An .adm file is a hierarchical template, and
consists of categories and subcategories that dictate which settings are avail-
able through the user interface. An .adm file contains the registry locations
where changes should be made for a particular selection, additional options for
a particular selection, restrictions, and in some cases, the default value for a
When you run the System Policy Editor and select Policy Template from
the Options menu, a window similar to the one shown below appears. This
window displays the names of the .adm files that are currently being used. If
you need to make changes to custom applications, for example, you can add a
template to this list. To ensure that the system uses the latest administrative
information, the System Policy Editor reads the custom .adm files each time it
For detailed instructions when creating .adm files, see the section “Creating
40 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Your Own Custom .Adm File,” later in this document.
NOTE: The option to Add or Remove will be grayed out if there is a policy file currently open. Close the file
in use and then change the template configuration.
Configuring Policy Settings
The configuration options available to you fall into a tree structure, which is
determined by the layout of the .adm file. By navigating through these options,
you can select a mode that determines the action that will be taken when the
policy file is applied.
The figure below shows sample user options for the Shell.
Policies are applied as follows:
If the box is checked, it is implemented. When the user next logs on, the
user’s computer conforms to the policy. If the option was checked the last
time the user logged on, Windows NT makes no changes.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
If the box is cleared, the policy is not implemented, and if the settings
were previously implemented, they are removed from the registry.
If the box is grayed, the setting is ignored and unchanged from the last
time the user logged on. Windows NT does not modify this setting. The
grayed state ensures that Windows NT provides quick processing at sys-
tem startup because it does not need to process each entry every time a
user logs on.
NOTE: When you decide whether the value should be checked or cleared, be careful of the terminology of
the setting or unexpected results may occur. For example, the Don’t save settings at exit option, when
checked, does not allow settings to be saved. If you clear the checkbox, the settings can be saved.
When you select an option, the pane below it contains other configurable
items that relate to the setting you modified, as well as information about the
option you selected.
When administering System Policies, if you specify paths for particular op-
tions such as wallpaper, ensure that the paths are consistent across all
workstations that will receive the policy file.
Setting Folder Paths Back to Defaults
If you create a policy file and then change the path to any of the custom
shared folders or custom user-specific folders, the change overrides the de-
fault setting established in the .adm file. For example, by default a user’s
program folder path is %USERPROFILE%\Start Menu\Programs.
If the policy file is not modified from the default, this value is not changed for
the client computer. However, you can modify this value to point to a server
location that contains different shortcuts. To do this, click the option in the
System Policy Editor, and specify the path to the folder containing the short-
cuts. Once this change is applied, the user will receive the new shortcuts.
Suppose, however, that you want to restore the user’s environment to the
state it was in before the change was made. To do this, follow the procedure
described next.
To restore the defaults:
1. Open the policy file, and click the option to clear the check box.
2. Save and close the policy file.
3. Reopen the policy file, and click the option to re-enable it. The original
setting should be displayed, pointing to the user’s local machine.
NOTE: Be sure to complete all steps; completing Steps 1 and 2 only results in an empty Programs folder
on the client machine.
Creating a System Policy
Before you create a System Policy, decide which settings will be enforced and
how the settings will be grouped.
To create a new System Policy:
1. On a Windows NT Server-based machine in the domain where the policy
file will apply, open the System Policy Editor. From the Start menu, click
Programs, then click Administrative Tools (Common), then click Sys-
42 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
tem Policy Editor.
2. From the File menu, click New Policy.
3. The Default Computer and Default User icons will be displayed. Click the
user, computer, or group to be modified.
If you need to add a user, group, or computer, you can copy and paste the settings without having to
manually go through each of the entries and make selections. For example, if you have made modifica-
tions to User1 and want to create a similar profile for another user (User2), select User1, then from the Edit
menu, click Copy. Select User2, then from the Edit menu, click Paste. Make any changes specific to User2
and save your changes. You will be prompted to verify your changes, and then the settings will be ap-
When you add users or computers to the policy file, they automatically assume the properties of the icons
Default User or Default Computer respectively.
4. Make changes to the options desired. For more information on each op-
tion, see the portion of this guide titled “Registry Keys Modified by the
System Policy Editor Default Templates.”
5. From the File menu, click Save As and save the policy file with the appro-
priate name:
If workstations will be set to Automatic mode, use the file name
If workstations will be set to Manual mode, use the name of your
6. If workstations will be set to Automatic mode, place the file in the
NETLOGON share of each of the domain controllers that will be perform-
ing authentication. To simplify this process, you can use directory
replication from Windows NT to replicate the file to the other domain con-
trollers. If you use replication and later make changes to the file, the
modified file will be duplicated across validating machines automatically.
Windows NT-based workstations, by default, are set to download the
policy file in Automatic mode. If you modify the setting to specify manual
update and to point to a specific machine, you must inform the workstation
about this location change. There are two ways to do this:
Place the policy file in the location specified for manual updates, but
maintain a policy file in the NETLOGON share that points to the man-
ual path. Then, leave the Windows NT-based workstation in the
default Automatic mode. When the policy file is first downloaded this
change will be made, and at next logon and every logon thereafter,
Windows NT will go to the new location for policy file updates.
Visit each Windows NT-based workstation either remotely or locally
and make the required registry change to point to the new location.
(Depending on the number of workstations affected, this could be very
time consuming.)
7. Log on to the Windows NT-based workstation to download and enact the
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Creating Alternate Folder Paths
You may need to create shared folders for groups of users who need a com-
mon set of tools and shortcuts. Windows NT 4.0 System Policies allows you to
create such shared folders.
To create shared folders and alternate folder paths:
1. On a specific server, create a folder that contains shortcuts to network
applications or to locally installed programs. If you are creating application
shortcuts that will point to local paths on Windows NT machines, refer to
the section “Setting Up Shortcuts for Server-based Profiles.”
2. Share the folder.
3. Using the System Policy Editor, under computername or Default Com-
puter, select the option Custom Shared Folders, then select Custom
Shared Program Folder.
4. Enable this option. By default the local All Users folder for the workstation
will be used, but you can replace the path to point to the folder that you
created in Step 1 and 2.
5. Save the policy file. When the user logs on, the policy file will be parsed
for this information and will replace the common groups from the local ma-
chine with the shortcuts, applications, and so forth, from the folder that you
created earlier.
NOTE: This can be done per user for personal program groups and can also be done for other folder
settings such as the startup group, Start menu, and desktop icons.
Setting Up Shortcuts for Server-based Profiles
You may notice that shortcuts created on any computer automatically embed a
universal naming convention (UNC) path for the .lnk file, such as
This embedded UNC in the link can be a problem when it is copied to a server
and used in a server-based profile. By default, such links are resolved to the
original location of the file (the absolute path) before any other path is used
(these other paths are referred to as secondary or relative paths). In this case,
the UNC path to the original file is always reachable, which prevents the link
from being resolved via a local path. As a result, the user trying to execute the
shortcut will be asked for the administrator's password for the computer on
which the link was created.
This problem was corrected in the latest Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 U.S.
Service Pack. After you install the service pack, you can work around the
problem by modifying the registry as explained next.
To resolve links correctly:
1. Open Registry Editor (Regedit.exe).
2. Go to the following key:
HKEY_Current_User \Software
44 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
3. Add the following DWORD value by clicking Edit, New, DWORD
4. Once entered, double-click this value and set the Value data to 1.
Deploying Policies for Windows NT 4.0 Machines
By default, a Windows NT 4.0-based workstation checks the NETLOGON
share of the validating domain controller for the user’s logon domain. It is
therefore critically important that replication of the NTconfig.pol file take place
among the domain controllers performing authentication. If a Windows NT 4.0-
based workstation does not locate the policy file on its validating domain con-
troller, it will not check any others.
You have another option when enforcing policies. The UpdateMode registry
setting, configurable through the System Policy Editor, forces the computer to
retrieve the policy file from a specific location (expressed as a UNC path), re-
gardless of the user who logs on.
To retrieve the policy file from a specific location:
1. Open either the specific machine policy or the Default Computer policy,
and navigate through the Network category and System policies update
subcategory to reach the Remote update option.
2. Check the Remote update box.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
3. In the Update mode box, select Manual (use specific path).
4. In the Path for manual update box, type the UNC path and file name for
the policy file.
5. Click OK to save your changes.
The first time the workstation is modified locally via the System Policy Editor
or receives a default System Policy file from the NETLOGON share of a do-
main controller, this location is written to the registry. Thereafter, all future
policy updates use the location you specified manually. This is a permanent
change until the policy file resets the option to Automatic. The Windows NT
4.0-based computer will never again look at a domain controller to find a policy
file until you either change the instruction in the local registry or modify the
policy file in the location specified by the manual path to set the mode back to
Deploying Policies for Windows 95 Machines
When creating a system policy file for a Windows 95-based client, you must
first install the System Policy Editor on a Windows 95-based computer so that
you can create the policy (.pol) file. You cannot run the System Policy Editor
on a Windows NT 4.0-based server to generate a .pol file for Windows 95-
based clients because a policy file is valid only for the platform on which it was
created. For procedures when installing the System Policy Editor on a Win-
dows 95-based computer, refer to the section “Installing the System Policy
Editor on a Windows 95 Computer” earlier in this document.
After you have created the .pol file, you can enable a Windows 95-based
computer to look for and accept system policies as is described below.
To deploy policies for a Windows 95-based computer:
1. Open the Control Panel, and click Passwords and then User Profiles.
2. To enable User Profiles, select Users can customize and then click OK.
3. Check the UpdateMode value in the following registry location:
If this value is 0, policies will not be applied. If this value is 1, the Auto-
matic Policy mode is in effect and when the user is validated on the
domain, the validating domain controller’s NETLOGON share will be
checked for the existence of the Config.pol file. If this value is 2, the Man-
ual Policy mode is in effect, and when the user is validated on the domain,
the Windows 95-based machine will check the path specified in the value
NetworkPath for the existence of the Config.pol file. Note that the default
mode for a Windows 95-based machine is Automatic.
4. Restart the computer and have the user log on. The policy file will be
downloaded from the configured location and applied.
46 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Modifying Policy Settings on Stand-Alone Workstations
If you need to modify settings of a Windows NT 4.0-based workstation user
who is not a member of the domain and thus will not be able to use the policy
file located on the domain, you have three options available to you:
You can create a policy file for stand-alone workstations where users log
on locally, or
You can change policy settings remotely, or
You can change policy settings locally.
Procedures for each option are described next. Note that you must have
administrator rights to the stand-alone workstations in question.
To create a policy file for stand-alone workstations:
1. Log on as administrator, and create a policy file that includes Computer
and User objects with appropriate settings for the computer and users re-
spectively. The user objects may include the Default User or user
accounts from the local workstation, but global group objects will be ig-
nored if added to the policy file. Windows NT recognizes machine-specific
policy settings for the computer if those are specified in the policy file.
2. Place the policy file in a secure directory on the stand-alone computer or
on a network share to which the user has at least Read permissions.
3. In the workstation registry, locate the UpdateMode value in the following
4. Update the data to a hex value of 2.
5. In the same registry subkey, modify the NetworkPath value with the local
or UNC path where the policy file resides. If this path does not exist, add it
as a data type of REG_SZ. For example, if the policy file is named NTcon-
fig.pol and is placed in the root directory of Windows NT, NetworkPath
should contain the path c:\Winnt\Ntconfig.pol.
6. Have the user log on to the workstation. Windows NT will read the policy
file specified by NetworkPath and then apply the appropriate policy to the
computer or to the user.
UNC paths may be used in the NetworkPath value. This is beneficial to those administrators who want to
centralize the policy file in use.
To change policy settings remotely:
1. Log on as administrator, open the System Policy Editor, and from the File
menu, select Connect.
2. Type the computer name of the workstation to be modified, and click Enter.
A dialog will appear displaying the user name of the currently logged on
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
user for whom the changes will apply. If the user is not currently logged on,
click Cancel. (The user must be logged on for the changes to take effect.)
3. If the user is logged on, click OK.
4. The icons Local Computer and Local User will be displayed.
5. Modify these just as you would modify a normal policy file. Save your
changes. The next time the user logs on, the changes made to the com-
puter and the user settings will be in effect on the remote machine.
To change policy settings locally:
1. Log on as an administrator, and copy the Poledit.exe, Common.adm, and
Winnt.adm files to the Windows NT-based workstation where the changes
for the computer or user need to be made.
2. Log on with administrative permissions as the user for whom the modifica-
tions will apply.
3. Open Poledit.exe and load the templates that were copied to the local
4. From the File menu, select Open Registry.
5. The icons Local Computer and Local User will be displayed.
6. Modify these just as you would modify a normal policy file. Save your
changes. The next time the user logs on, these changes will be in effect.
6. Close the System Policy Editor and remove this tool from the workstation
by deleting the Poledit.exe file and any .adm files used.
These changes modify the registry entries that control the behavior of
Windows NT on the target computer. A policy file is not created when this pro-
cedure is used. This procedure is the same for Windows NT Workstation 4.0
and Windows NT Server 4.0.
Creating a Custom .Adm File
The content of this section is also documented in the Windows 95 Resource
Kit and the Windows 32-bit Software Developer’s Kit, which are available on
the Microsoft Developer’s Network or through Microsoft Sales.
This section refers extensively to the following .adm files:
Common.adm—This contains registry settings common to both
Windows NT 4.0 and Windows 95.
Winnt.adm—This contains registry settings specific to Windows NT 4.0.
Windows.adm—This contains registry settings specific to Win-
dows 95.
To create a custom .adm file:
1. Create a backup copy of the Winnt.adm file in the %systemroot%\
inf directory.
2. Use a text editor to open the Winnt.adm file. The first entry of this file is
CLASS xxxx, where xxxx could be either:
MACHINE = This section includes all entries available in the Local
Computer/DefaultComputer icon.
USER = This section includes all entries available to modify user-
specific settings.
48 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
These are the only two classes that are valid within the System Policy
Editor. The System Policy Editor checks the syntax of each .adm file when
the files are loaded, and displays a message if any errors are found.
3. Choose the CLASS in which you want your custom entries to appear.
4. Create categories by using the keyword CATEGORY followed by a space
and !!variable. The System Policy Editor requires that anything preceded
by !! must have a string defined in the [strings] section of the .adm file.
This allows the editor to use variables to define long strings of text that will
appear in the user interface a single time, even if these strings are used in
multiple locations in the .adm file. For example, to open a category you
would use:
CATEGORY !!MyNewCategory
To close the category after filling in the options, you would use:
; MyNewCategory
These can be nested to create sub-categories as follows:
CATEGORY !!FirstCategory
CATEGORY !!SecondCategory
CATEGORY !!ThirdCategory
END CATEGORY ; ThirdCategory
END CATEGORY ; SecondCategory
; FirstCategory
Be sure to specify the text for the variables you used above. In this case,
in the [strings] section of the .adm file, you would need to include:
FirstCategory=”My First Category”
SecondCategory=”My Second Category”
ThirdCategory=”My Third Category”
5. Within each category, define the registry key that will be modified. To do
this, use the keyword KEYNAME followed by the registry path to the key
that contains the value you want to change. Note that due to the CLASS
you are in, you do not need to specify HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or
HKEY_CURRENT_USER. For example, you can use:
KEYNAME System\CurrentControlSet\Services\
6. Identify the policy that specifies which options the user can modify. Use
the keyword POLICY for this, followed by !!variable. For example:
POLICY !!MyFirstPolicy
Be sure to define MyFirstPolicy in the [strings] section of the .adm file.
Complete the policy specifics, and finish with an END POLICY statement.
7. Define the options available within the policy.
Use the keyword VALUENAME to identify the registry value that an
administrator can modify. For example:
Remember that the VALUENAME needs to be within a PART if the
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
option is selected within the lower pane of the System Policy Editor
(see the discussion of PART and the code example below).
If not specified otherwise, the value will be written in the following
format when any administratory checks or unchecks the option:
Checked: REG_DWORD with a value of 1
Unchecked: Removes the value completely
Other options can specify what the user selects from and what gets
written to the registry.
Use the keyword PART to specify options, drop-down list boxes, text
boxes, and text in the lower pane of the System Policy Editor. PART is
similar to CATEGORY, and uses the syntax:
PART !!MyVariable FLAG
where FLAG is one or more of the following:
TEXT—Displays text only, for example:
PART !!MyPolicy TEXT
NUMERIC—Writes the value to the registry with data type
REG_DWORD, for example:
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
DROPDOWNLIST—Displays a list box of options to choose from,
for example:
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
EDITTEXT—Writes the value to the registry with data type
REG_SZ, for example:
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
REQUIRED—Generates an error if the user does not enter a
value, for example:
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
EXPANDABLETEXT—Writes the value to the registry with data
50 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
type REG_EXPAND_SZ, for example:
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
MAXLEN—Specifies the maximum length of text, for example:
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
DEFAULT—Specifies the default value for text or numeric data,
for example:
DEFAULT !!MySampleText
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
MIN and MAX—These specify the lowest and highest valid values
respectively, for example:
MIN 100 MAX 999 DEFAULT 55
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
Use the keywords VALUEOFF and VALUEON to write specific values
based on the state of the option, for example:
POLICY !!MyPolicy
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
VALUEON “Turned On” VALUEOFF “Turned Off”
POLICY !!MyPolicy
VALUENAME ValueToBeChanged
8. Save and test your file.
Note that if you modify an .adm file while the System Policy Editor applica-
tion is running, you will need to reload the file. From the Options menu, select
Policy Template, and press OK. This reloads the structure, and your new
entries will be available. (You do not need to perform this step if you modify a
file before starting the System Policy Editor; the reload is done automatically
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
each time the System Policy Editor starts.)
Configuring System Policies Based on
Geographic Location
You may choose to enforce certain environment settings based upon geo-
graphic site location or vicinity. At least two methods are available to do this.
Generate a System Policy that contains settings for specific computers. In
each of the machine-specific settings, configure the Remote Update path
to a specific regional server that will be maintaining the regional System
Policy file. When the user logs on at the Windows NT-based workstation
for the first time, because the default mode is Automatic, the workstation
will check the validating domain controller for a policy file. The policy file it
finds will point the policy update configuration to another server. Note,
however, that this does not work for the first logon. When the user next
logs on, Windows NT checks the remote path and continues to use that
path until the System Policy file on the remote server directs otherwise.
Manually configure each of the workstations in a given region or site to
use a remote update path, and change the remote update mode from the
default of Automatic to Manual.
Clearing the Documents Available List
As an alternative to removing the Documents option from the Start menu, you
can set and clear the documents available by clearing the MRUList value in
the registry. Use this registry key:
Value: MRUList
Note that you should not delete the value; instead, replace MRUList with a
blank string.
Building Fault Tolerance for Custom Shared Folders
If you want to create a user environment that includes a Custom Shared Pro-
grams Folder and a Custom Shared Desktop, you need to place the source
folders for these shared items on a central server for all users to access. How-
ever, this involves some degree of risk if the server is unavailable. If that
occurs, the user’s Programs menu and desktop would not contain the appro-
priate folders, shortcuts, and files.
To build fault tolerance into this configuration, you can take advantage of
the distributed file system (Dfs) available for the Windows NT Server 4.0 oper-
ating system platform. Dfs, which runs as a service, can provide a share that
52 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
will refer the client to multiple servers for the same path. For example, on a Dfs
server, the administrator has defined that users connecting to the UNC path
\\Dfsserver\Dfsshare\Customfolder, will be returned a response with three dif-
ferent servers, \\Server1\Customerfolder, \\Server2\Customerfolder, and
\\Server3\Customerfolder, all of which contain the same data. The client ma-
chine, which can be either a Windows NT-based 4.0 machine or a
Windows 95-based machine with the Dfs client software, randomly selects one
of these servers and uses that path to generate the custom shared folders for
the user. If one of the servers is unavailable, the client has the other two serv-
ers to select from. Note that the the Dfs host server must be running for this
fault tolerant structure to work. (Although Dfs software currently supports a
single host server, Microsoft is developing a fault-tolerant version of Dfs for a
future release of Windows NT.)
For more information on the Dfs server and client components, see
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
The following outlines the locations and values for registry entries that are
written to a Windows NT-based workstation or server when you use the Sys-
tem Policy Editor to modify a policy. Knowing the location of these registry
settings may help you to resolve problems.
Default User Settings
The following data is specific to the options found in the Default User portion of
the System Policy Editor.
Control Panel Display Application
Control Panel
Restrict display
Removes or enables tabs from the Control Panel Display
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value removed; On = 1
Off = 0 or value removed; On = 1
Off = 0 or value removed; On = 1
Off = 0 or value removed; On = 1
Off = 0 or value removed; On = 1
Defines the path to be used when loading wallpaper, and
determines whether to tile it or not.
\Control Panel
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of path to
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
54 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Color Scheme
Color scheme
\Control Panel
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of color
scheme name
Start Menu Run Command
Windows NT Shell
Remove Run command from Start menu
Removes the user’s ability to start applications or proc-
esses from the Start menu by removing the option
completely. Note that if the user still has access to the
MS-DOSÒ prompt icon or command prompt, the user
can start unauthorized applications. To further restrict the
user’s ability to run specific applications, refer to the pol-
icy setting for “Run only allowed Windows applications”
later in this section.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Settings Folders
Windows NT Shell
Remove folders from settings on Start menu
Removes the Control Panel and Printers folders from the
Settings menu. Removing the Taskbar, Control Panel,
and Printer folders causes the Settings menu to be re-
moved completely.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Settings Taskbar
Windows NT Shell
Remove Taskbar from settings on Start menu
Removes the Taskbar option from settings on the Start
menu. Removing the Taskbar, Control Panel, and Printer
folders causes the Settings menu to be removed com-
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Start Menu Find Command
Windows NT Shell
Remove Find command from Start menu
Completely removes the Find option from the Start
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
56 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
My Computer Drive Icons
Windows NT Shell
Hide drives in My Computer
Removes the icons for the drives in My Computer.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = 3fffffff
Network Neighborhood Icon
Windows NT Shell
Hide Network Neighborhood
Removes the Network Neighborhood icon from the
desktop. In addition, disables UNC capability from within
the Explorer interface, including the Start menu’s Run
command, UNC paths configured by the administrator in
Policies for shared folders, desktop icons, the Start
command, and so forth. This does not impair the func-
tionality of the command line Net.exe command.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Network Neighborhood Display
Windows NT Shell
No Entire Network in Network Neighborhood
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Network Neighborhood Workgroup Contents
Windows NT Shell
No workgroup contents in Network Neighborhood
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Desktop Display
Windows NT Shell
Hide all items on desktop
Hides all desktop items regardless of menus, folders, and
shortcuts defined either by profiles or by other pointers in
the policy file for custom program folders, custom desk-
top icons, and so on.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Start Menu Shut Down Command
Category: Windows NT Shell
58 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Disable Shut Down command
Disables the Shut Down option on the Start menu. Note
that this does not disable the user’s ability to shut down
the computer using the CTRL-ALT-DEL sequence. If you
want to remove the user’s ability to use CTRL-ALT-DEL,
remove the user’s name from the “Shut down the system”
user right in User Manager.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Saved Settings
Windows NT Shell
Don't save settings at Exit
Disables or enables the ability to save modifications that
the user makes during the logon session.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Registry Editing Tools
Disable registry editing tools
Disable user’s ability to run Regedit.exe or
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
DisableRegistryTools REG_DWORD
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Windows Applications Restrictions
Run only allowed Windows applications
Restricts the applications that the user can start through
the Explorer interface. If an application is not specified, a
dialog box is presented that states: “Restrictions: This
operation has been canceled due to restrictions in effect
on this computer. Please contact your system adminis-
trator.” Be sure to include Systray.exe in the list of
allowed applications if this policy is to be enforced. Note
that users may still have the ability to start restricted ap-
plications from the command prompt if you give them
access to Cmd.exe.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Registry Value
Registry Data
Number Increment REG_SZ
Starting with 1
Off = value is removed; On = text of applica-
tion name
60 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Custom Programs
Windows NT Shell
Custom Folders
Custom Program folder
Specifies the UNC path for the folder to use when dis-
playing folders, files, and shortcuts available when the
user selects Programs from the Start menu. The user’s
profile Programs is an additional selection.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path
to folder. Default = %USERPROFILE%\Start
Custom Desktop Icons
Windows NT Shell
Custom Folders
Custom desktop icons
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
on the desktop.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path
to folder. Default =
Start Menu Subfolders
Category: Windows NT Shell
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Custom Folders
Hide Start menu subfolders
Hides subfolders, such as the user’s Programs folder, if a
custom Programs folder exists.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Custom Startup Folder
Windows NT Shell
Custom Folders
Custom Startup folder
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when folders,
files, and shortcuts are to start at user logon.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path to
folder. Default = %USERPROFILE%\Start
Custom Network Neighborhood
Windows NT Shell
Custom Folders
Custom Network Neighborhood
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use to create the
folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives when navi-
gating through Network Neighborhood.
62 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path
to folder. Default =
Custom Start Menu
Windows NT Shell
Custom Folders
Custom Start menu
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
as part of the Start menu.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Start Menu
Off = value is removed; On = text of UNC path
to folder. Default = %USERPROFILE%\Start
Shell Extensions
Windows NT Shell
Only use approved shell extensions
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed;
On = 1
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Explorer File Menu
Windows NT Shell
Remove File menu from Explorer
Removes the File option from Explorer’s toolbar. (This
option was added in Service Pack 2.)
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Start Menu Common Program Groups
Windows NT Shell
Remove common program groups from Start menu
Disables the display of common groups when the user
selects Programs from the Start menu.
Registry Value
Registry Data
REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Taskbar Context Menus
Windows NT Shell
Disable context menus for the Taskbar
Removes the context menus for the tray, including the
Start button, Tab control, and Clock. (This option was
added in Service Pack 2.)
64 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Explorer Context Menu
Windows NT Shell
Disable Explorer’s default context menu
Removes the context menu that would normally appear
when the user right clicks on the desktop or in the Ex-
plorer right results pane. (This option was added in
Service Pack 2.)
Registry Value
Registry Data
NoViewContextMenu REG_DWORD
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Network Connections
Windows NT Shell
Remove the Map Network Drive and Disconnect Net-
work Drive options
Prevents users from making additional network connec-
tions by removing the Map Network Drive and
Disconnect Network Drive buttons from the toolbar in
Explorer and also removing the menu items from the
Context menu of My Computer and the Tools menu of
Explorer. (This option was added in Service Pack 2.)
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Explorer Context Menu
Windows NT Shell
Disable link file tracking
When enabled, link file tracking uses the configured path
shown in properties for the shortcut to an application in-
stead of the absolute path. This option disables link file
tracking. (This option was added in Service Pack 2.)
Registry Value
Registry Data
REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Windows NT System
Parse Autoexec.bat
When this value is 1, the environment variables declared
in the Autoexec.bat file are included in the user’s envi-
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Logon Scripts
Windows NT System
Run logon scripts synchronously
Determines whether the shell waits for the logon script to
66 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
complete or not. If the value is 0, the logon script is run
during the startup of the shell and allows items in the
Startup group to start. If the value is 1, the logon script
completes before the shell or any items in the Startup
group are started. If this value is also set in the Computer
section, the Computer section value takes precedence.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Task Manager
Windows NT System
Disable Task Manager
Enables or disables the user’s ability to start Task Man-
ager to view processes, applications running, and make
changes to the priority or state of the individual proc-
esses. (This option was added in Service Pack 2.)
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Welcome Tips
Windows NT System
Show welcome tips at logon
Enables or disables the display of the Welcome screen
when the user logs on for the first and second time. (This
option was added in Service Pack 2.)
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0; On = 1
Default Computer Settings
The following data is specific to the options found in the Default Computer por-
tion of the System Policy Editor.
Remote Update
System Policies update
Remote update
Controls how policies are applied to a Windows NT 4.0-
based machine. With UpdateMode set to 1 (Automatic,
the default), Windows NT makes a connection to the
NETLOGON share of the validating domain controller in
the user’s context, and checks for the existence of the
policy file, NTconfig.pol. With UpdateMode set to 2
(Manual), Windows NT reads the string specified in the
NetworkPath value, and checks that path for the exis-
tence of the policy file (in this case, the policy file name
should be included in the NetworkPath value). With Up-
dateMode set to 0 (Off), a policy file is not downloaded
from any system, and therefore is not applied.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0, Automatic=1; Manual=2
Text of UNC path for manual update
Display error messages. Off = 0 or value not
present; On = 1
Off = 0 or value not present; On = 1
68 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Increment numbers
beginning with 1
Registry Data
On = text of Valid Community #x; Off = value
is removed from registry
NOTE: There may be multiple entries in this subkey.
Permitted Managers
Permitted managers
Registry Value
Increment numbers
beginning with 1
Registry Data
On = text of Permitted Manager #x; Off =
value is removed from registry
NOTE: There may be multiple entries in this subkey.
Public Community Traps
Traps for public community
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Increment numbers
beginning with 1
Registry Data
On = text of Trap Configuration #x; Off =
value is removed from registry
NOTE: There may be multiple entries in this subkey.
Run Command
Allows one or more applications to be run when the user
logs on interactively.
Registry Value
Application Text
Registry Data
On = executable text name (for example,
Notepad is Notepad.exe) which may include
parameters; Off = value is removed from the
NOTE: There may be multiple entries in this subkey.
Drive Shares – Workstation
Windows NT Network
Create hidden drive shares (workstation)
When enabled, creates administrative shares for physical
drives. These shares were created automatically under
Windows NT 3.51. This policy setting gives administra-
tors the ability to control this feature. This setting is
specific to Windows NT Workstation.
Registry Value
Registry Data
NT Workstation specific: Off = 0; On = 1
70 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Drive Shares – Server
Windows NT Network
Create hidden drive shares (server)
When enabled, creates the administrative shares for
physical drives. These shares were created automatically
under Windows NT 3.51. This policy setting gives ad-
ministrators the ability to control this feature. This setting
is specific to Windows NT Server.
Registry Value
Registry Data
NT Server specific: Off = 0; On = 1
Printer Browse Thread
Windows NT Printers
Disable browse thread on this computer
When this option is enabled, the print spooler does not
send shared printer information to other print servers.
Registry Value
Registry Data
DisableServerThread REG_DWORD
Off = 0 or value is removed from registry;
On = 1
Server Scheduler
Windows NT Printers
Scheduler priority
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Above normal = 1; Normal = 0, Less
than normal = ffffffff
Error Beep
Windows NT Printers
Beep for error enabled
Enables beeping (every 10 seconds) when a remote job
error occurs on a print server.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0; On = 1
Authentication Retries
Windows NT Remote Access
Max number of unsuccessful authentication retries
Specifies the number of times authentication will be at-
tempted for a user.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed, On =Number of re-
tries in hexadecimal. Decimal = 1-10; default
= 2.
Authentication Time Limit
Windows NT Remote Access
Max time limit for authentication
Defines the maximum time limit in seconds for authenti-
cation to occur.
72 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
AuthenticateTime REG_DWORD
Off = value is removed , On = time in sec-
onds in hexadecimal. Decimal = 20-600;
default = 120.
RAS Call-back Interval
Windows NT Remote Access
Wait interval for callback
Specifies the time in seconds that Windows NT will wait
before initiating the callback from a RAS dial-in user.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed, On = time in seconds in
hexadecimal. Decimal = 2-12; default = 2.
RAS Auto-disconnect
Windows NT Remote Access
Auto disconnect
Specifies the amount of idle time in minutes to wait be-
fore disconnecting the RAS client.
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed, On = time in min-
utes in hexadecimal. Decimal: minimum =
0; default = 20.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Shared Programs Folder Path
Windows NT Shell
Custom shared folders
Custom shared Programs folder
Specifies the UNC path for the folder to use when dis-
playing folders, files, and shortcuts below the division line
(common groups) when the user selects Programs from
the Start menu.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
REG_EXPAND_SZ (Note: Off = value is removed from registry;
REG_SZ can be used if
no variables exist.)
On = text of UNC path to folder. De-
fault = %SystemRoot%\Profiles\All
Users\Start Menu\Programs
Shared Desktop Icons Path
Windows NT Shell
Custom shared folders
Custom shared desktop icons
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
as part of the desktop.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Common Desktop
REG_EXPAND_SZ (Note: Off = value is removed from registry;
REG_SZ can be used if
no variables exist.)
On = text of UNC path to folder.
Default = %SystemRoot%\
Profiles\All Users\Desktop.
Shared Start Menu Path
Category: Windows NT Shell
74 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Custom shared folders
Custom shared Start menu
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use when dis-
playing the folders, files, and shortcuts the user receives
as part of the Start menu.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Common Start
Registry Data
Off = value is removed from registry,
On = text of UNC path to folder.
Default = %SystemRoot%\Profiles\
All Users\Start Menu
(Note: REG_SZ can be
used if no variables exist.)
Shared Startup Folder Path
Windows NT Shell
Custom shared folders
Custom shared Startup folder
Specifies the UNC path the folder is to use to find folders,
files, and shortcuts that should be started when the user
logs on.
\User Shell Folders
Registry Value
Registry Data
Common Startup
(Note: REG_SZ can be
Off = value is removed from registry,
On = text of UNC path to folder.
used if no variables exist.) Default = %SystemRoot%\Profiles\
All Users\Start Menu\Programs\
Logon Banner
Windows NT System
Logon banner
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Before the user logs on, displays a custom dialog box
with text.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = value is removed; On = text of caption
Off = value is removed; On = text of notice
Logon Dialog Shut Down Button
Windows NT System
Enable shutdown from Authentication dialog box
Enables or disables the Shut Down button on the logon
dialog window.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
ShutdownWithoutLogon REG_SZ
Off = 0; On = 1
Logon Name Display
Windows NT System
Do not display last logged on user name
Enables or disables display of the last logged on user
name when the user presses CTRL+ALT+DEL and the
logon dialog is displayed.
\Windows NT
76 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0; On = 1
Logon Scripts
Windows NT System
Run logon scripts synchronously
Determines whether the shell waits for the logon script to
complete or not. If the value is 0, the logon script is run
during the startup of the shell and allows items in the
Startup group to start. If the value is 1, the logon script
completes before the shell or any items in the Startup
group are started. If this value is also set in the User sec-
tion, this value takes precedence.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Long File Names
Windows NT System
File system
Do not create 8.3 file names for long file names
Registry Value
Registry Data
NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
Extended Characters in 8.3 File Names
Windows NT System
File system
Allow extended characters in 8.3 file names
Short file names with extended characters may not be
viewable on computers that do not have the same char-
acter code page.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
REG_DWORD Off = 0 or value is
removed; On = 1
Read Only Files – Last Access Time
Windows NT System
File system
Do not update last access time
For files that are only to be read, specifies do not update
the last access time. (This increases the file system’s
Registry Value
Registry Data
NtfsDisableLastAccessUpdate REG_DWORD
Off = 0 or value is removed; On =
Cached Roaming Profiles
Windows NT User Profiles
Delete cached copies of roaming profiles
After a user logs off from an interactive session, if this
value is enabled, the locally cached version of the roam-
ing User Profile is deleted.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = 1
78 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Slow Network Detection
Windows NT User Profiles
Automatically detect slow network connections
Enables or disables detection of a slow network.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0; On = No value (empty) or 1.
Default = On.
Slow Network Timeout
Windows NT User Profiles
Slow network connection timeout
Specifies the amount of time in milliseconds that
Windows NT waits before a slow network is determined.
\Windows NT
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = time in milli-
seconds in hexadecimal. Decimal: 1-20000;
default = 2000.
Dialog Box Timeout
Windows NT User Profiles
Timeout for dialog boxes
When the user is presented with a dialog box requesting
User Profile information, this specifies the amount of time
in seconds before the dialog box is closed and the default
is accepted.
\Windows NT
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
Off = 0 or value is removed; On = time in sec-
onds in hexadecimal. Decimal = 0-600; default
= 30.
80 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
The following section describes the locations and values for useful registry
entries that are available in the operating system, but not available in the Sys-
tem Policy Editor.
Windows NT Shell
Removable media
Determines whether the Autorun feature is enabled on
each drive connected to the system. When Autorun is
enabled, media is started automatically when it is in-
serted in the drive. This value is comprised of 32 bits.
The lower 26 bits each represent a drive, with the lowest
(right-most) bit representing drive A and the 26th bit from
the right representing drive Z. If a bit is set to 0, the
autorun feature is enabled on that drive. If a bit is set to
1, the autorun feature is disabled on that drive.
For example, if the value of this entry is 0x8 (1000 bi-
nary), autorun is disabled on drive D. Note that a value of
1 in the bit representing the CD-ROM drive takes prece-
dence over the value of Autorun.
Registry Value
Registry Data
0x0 - 0x3FFFFFF
Start Banner
Windows NT Shell
Start banner
Hides the arrow and "Click here to start" caption that ap-
pears on the taskbar when you start Windows NT.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Registry Value
Registry Data
0 = enabled; 1= disabled.
82 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
For more information when configuring your network, refer to the following:
Windows NT Server Concepts and Planning Guide - Chapter 3, “Manag-
ing User Work Environments” (part of the Windows NT Server product
Kixtart Resource Kit Utility available in the Windows NT Server Resource
Kit for version 4.0.
For the latest information on Windows NT Server, check out our World Wide
Web site at or the Windows NT Server
Forum on the Microsoft Network (GO WORD: MSNTS).
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
User Profile Flowcharts
These flowcharts illustrate how User Profiles operate within the Windows NT
4.0 operating system, and give the administrator an at-a-glance look at the
procedures to take and the internal processing that occurs when User Profiles
are implemented under Windows NT 4.0.
84 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Begin Profile Process: Does the
user already have a profile from
Windows NT 3.5x?
Will the user be
mandated to receive
the profile for logon?
Is the profile
.usr or .man?
Configure the user profile path for
the account with:
Create a directory for the Windows NT
4.0 profile with the .man extension in
the share where profiles are stored.
Configure the user profile
path for the account with:
(no extension used)
Create a directory for the Windows NT
4.0 profile with the .pdm extension in
the share where profiles are stored.
Create a directory for the Windows NT
4.0 Profile without an extension in the
share where profiles are stored.
Nothing needs to be done to
the profile path or to the
profile. The Windows NT4.0
profile will be automatically
upgraded and be placed in a
directory called
Will the profile be
mandatory such that
the user cannot make
1. Log on to a Windows NT 4.0-
based computer and create a
User Profile with the settings
for the mandatory profile. This
will be a template profile.
2. Log off the computer and log
back on as Administrator.
3. Using the User Profile Tab in
Control Panel\System, select
the template profile, click the
Copy To: option, set the
Will the user log
on from Windows NT
3.5x machines in
the future?
Will the user
permissions on the profile for
the account or group that will
have rights to use this profile.
4. Enter or browse for the profile
directory created earlier, and
click OK.
use a default profile
from the server?
5. Rename the NTuser.dat file
located in the profile directory
created earlier to
No changes are
necessary. The
Windows NT 3.5x
profile will be used
automatically when the
user logs on from
Windows NT 3.5x-based
Copy the default user profile from the
\profiles directory to the NETLOGON share,
and modify it to meet specific needs. When
users log on for the first time without a local
profile or a server based profile, the default
user profile from the server will be used.
After the user has successfully
logged on and off for the first
time and has saved the new
Windows NT 4.0 profile,
remove the .usr profile that
exists for the user. No changes
to the Windows NT 4.0 profile
directory are necessary.
No changes necessary. The "Default User" profile
from the user's workstation will be used when no
profile is found on the server or locally for the user
on first logon. When the user logs off, their profile
will be written to the server, and will be available on
subsequent logons.
Flowchart 1. Administrator’s First Tasks
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Workstation boots,
computer account is validated, and
user enters logon credentials
Receive data from Domain
Controller about User Account
Does the user
account contain a
User Profile path?
Is the server copy
available? See
"Accessing Server-
based Profile"
Does user override
by having selected
Flag as not available
Set the Ignore Central internal
Determine if local copy of profile is
Flag profile as mandatory or
Central not available;
local is available
Central is available;
local is available
Central not available;
local not available
Central is available;
local not available
Is the Ignore Central
flag set?
Is this a new
Load local
Reconcile both
by comparing
time stamps
(continue to
Part 2)
Issue the
profile. Is
Is the central
profile newer?
Load central profile
(continue to Part 2)
Is the local
profile newer?
Flag profile
as a new
local profile
(continue to
Part 2)
Load local profile
(continue to Part 2)
Is profile
Load local version of
profile from
(continue to
Part 2)
Return error
Flag profile to only
save changes to local
profile at log off.
Changes will not be
written to the profile
stored on the server.
(continue to Part 2)
Copy the default
User Profile and
load (continue to
Part 2)
Create temporary
profile/local copy
(continue to Part 2)
Ask user preference for
server or local copy
and load
(continue to Part 2)
Flowchart 2. User Logon (Part 1)
86 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
(Continued) from
Command to Load Profile
Load the User Profile
Set USERPROFILE environment variable
Check build number for version
Process UserDiff
Registry changes (from
major version change)
Apply System Policy
Save settings to
Flowchart 3. User Logon (Part 2)
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Call made to check
server profile
Check for .man extension in
profile path
Flag as mandatory
Start timer, check the existence of
the profile path, and after
completion, stop timer
Determine type and
version of profile
Access denied error
path end
in .usr or
Return error to
the client
Windows NT 3.5x
profile found. Generate
Windows NT 4.0 profile
and return to original
Attempt to create the
directory and return to
original flowchart
Append .pds or .pdm as
appropriate and look again
-- what was found?
Directory found with
Windows NT 4.0 profile.
Return to original
Is it
Directory found
with Windows
NT 4.0 profile.
Return to
Check for slow
Try to create
Deny logon
Use default profile
and return to
original flowchart
Use cached profile
and return to
original flowchart
Flowchart 4. User Logon – Accessing Server-based Profile
88 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
System Policy Flowchart
This flowchart illustrates how System Policy is applied in the Windows NT 4.0
operating system, and gives the administrator an at-a-glance look at the internal
processing that occurs when policies are implemented under Windows NT 4.0.
Initiate application of policy
Does User-Specific
Policy exist?
Read User-Specific Policy
and write Registry entries
Does Default User
Policy exist?
Read Default User Policy and
write Registry entries
Do Group Policies
Apply policy of lowest priority
group and continue through
highest priority until
Do not modify Registry
complete. If setting has
already been set by Default
User and the same option is
gray in the Group Policy, do
not modify from the Default
User setting.
Does Machine-
Specific Policy
Does Default
Computer Policy
Read Machine-Specific Policy
and write Registry entries
Read Default Computer Policy
and write Registry entries
End policy process
Flowchart 5. Policy Application
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
The following are typical user profile scenarios that you may encounter in the
future or may have already encountered. Each of these scenarios includes a
brief description of the situation, the current status of the profiles on the server,
actions that you need to take to administer the profile properly, any required
user action, references to sections of this guide that have more detailed infor-
mation, and any applicable usage notes.
Existing Windows NT 3.5x Roaming Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 3.5x roaming profile and will con-
tinue to log on to Windows NT 3.5x-based computers only.
What currently exists: A myuser.usr file exists in the folder
Administrator action: None.
User action: None.
Existing Windows NT 3.5x Roaming Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 3.5x mandatory profile and will
continue to log on to Windows NT 3.5x-based computers only.
What currently exists: A file exists in the folder
Administrator action: None.
User action: None.
Migrating Windows NT 3.5x Roaming Profile to
Windows NT 4.0 Roaming Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 3.5x roaming profile and moves to
a Windows NT 4.0-based computer.
What currently exists: A myuser.usr file exists in the folder
Administrator action: None.
User action: To automatically upgrade the profile, log on to the
Windows NT 4.0-based computer and then log off. The automatic upgrade
creates a new folder with the name myuser.pds in the existing directory
\\myserver\myshare. Inside the new folder is the upgraded User Profile for
the domain user.
For more information: See the section “Upgrading 3.5x Server-Based
Profiles to 4.0 Roaming Profiles.”
Migrating Windows NT 3.5x Mandatory Profile to
Windows NT 4.0 Mandatory Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 3.5x mandatory profile and moves
to a Windows NT 4.0-based computer where the user will have a mandatory
What currently exists: A file exists in the folder
90 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Administrator action: Create a folder with the name myuser.pdm in the
existing folder \\myserver\myshare, and then place the desired mandatory
profile into the new folder.
User action: None.
Notes: Once this procedure is performed, the Windows NT 3.5x profile is
still available to the user should he or she ever log on to a Windows NT
3.5x-based computer again. The Windows NT 4.0 User Profile is main-
tained separately. The administrator can remove the Windows NT 3.5x
profile if the user will only be using Windows NT 4.0-based computers.
For more information: See the section “Upgrading 3.5x Mandatory Pro-
files to 4.0 Mandatory Profiles.”
Migrating Windows NT 3.5x Mandatory Profile to
Windows NT 4.0 Roaming Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 3.5x mandatory profile and moves
to a Windows NT 4.0-based computer where they will have a roaming profile.
What currently exists: A file exists in the folder
Administrator action: Change the user’s profile path to
\\myserver\myshare\myuser, and then allow the user to log on and log off.
User action: When instructed to do so, log on to the Windows NT 4.0-
based computer and then log off. This creates the folder
\\myserver\myshare\myuser on the server containing the user’s new
roaming profile.
For more information: See the section “Creating a New Roaming User
Profile for Windows NT 4.0.”
Creating a New Windows NT 4.0 Roaming Profile
A new user will be logging onto Windows NT 4.0-based computers only, and
will be using a roaming profile.
What currently exists: Nothing currently exists for the user in
Administrator action: In User Manager, specify the User Profile path
without an extension. For example, use \\myserver\myshare\myuser.
User action: Log on and then log off. This creates the folder on the server
\\myserver\myshare\myuser that contains the user’s new roaming profile.
For more information: See the section “Creating a New Roaming User
Profile for Windows NT 4.0.”
Creating a New Windows NT 4.0 Mandatory Profile
A new user will be logging onto Windows NT 4.0-based computers only, and
will be using a mandatory profile.
What currently exists: Nothing currently exists for the user in
Administrator action: In User Manager, specify the User Profile path with
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
the extension .man. For example, use \\myserver\myshare\
Then manually create the folder manually in the
\\myserver\myshare directory. Places the mandatory profile for the user in
this new folder.
User action: None.
For more information: See the section “Creating a New Mandatory User
Profile for Windows NT 4.0.”
Updating and Changing a Roaming Profile to a
Mandatory Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 4.0 roaming User Profile that was
not upgraded from Windows NT 3.5x, and the administrator is going to man-
date that the profile be read or logon will denied.
What currently exists: A myuser folder containing the user’s roaming
profile exists in \\myserver\myshare.
Administrator action: Use User Manager to add the .man extension to
the User Profile path, thus changing the path to
\\myserver\myshare\ Then, rename the existing folder that
contains the user’s roaming profile from myuser to Finally,
rename the NTuser.dat file, which is located in the root of the user’s profile
folder, to
User action: None.
For more information: See the section “Making a Roaming Profile Man-
datory in Windows NT 4.0.”
Changing a Roaming Profile to a Mandatory Profile
A domain user has an existing Windows NT 4.0 roaming User Profile that was
upgraded from Windows NT 3.5x, and the administrator is going to mandate
that the profile be read or logon will denied.
What currently exists: A myuser.pds folder containing the user's roaming
profile exists in \\myserver\myshare.
Administrator action: Use User Manager to change the extension of the
User Profile path to .man, changing the path to
\\myserver\myshare\ Then rename the existing folder that
contains the user's roaming profile from myuser.pds to myuser.pdm. Fi-
nally, rename the NTuser.dat file, which is located in the root of the user's
profile folder, to
User action: None.
For more information: See the section “Making a Roaming Profile Man-
datory in Windows NT 4.0.”
92 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Important Information for Administrators
Regarding User Logons and User Logoffs
Changes that you make to server-based profiles can be lost if you do not
modify the last modification date/time stamp. When a locally cached ver-
sion of a profile is compared with the server-based profile, only the
time/date stamp of the file is compared. If the stamps are the
same, the local copy is used. If you have made modifications to other fold-
ers within the profile, these changes can be lost. Utilities are available to
update the last modified date.
If the Default User profile directory (including the file) is not
available at log on, a new user who does not have a server-based Default
User Profile will be unable to log on. When troubleshooting logon prob-
lems or if a user receives a message stating that the profile could not be
loaded, always check for the existence of the Default User profile.
If the locally cached copy of the User Profile is more current than the
server-based profile, and if it is not mandatory, the user will be prompted
to select which profile to use.
If the user does not successfully receive a profile when he or she logs on,
the user should check to see if the profile path can be reached by con-
necting to that resource with Explorer, File Manager, or Start\Run.
Users who are members of both the Domain Users and Guests group or
who are members of just the Guests group will have their local profiles
deleted automatically at logoff.
Recent Updates to Profiles Since Retail Release
In the original retail release of Windows NT Server 4.0, if the administrator
creates a mandatory profile that ends with .man and the user is denied ac-
cess to the profile, the user is still able to log on locally, rather than being
denied access. This problem was resolved in Service Pack 3.
Under certain conditions, sharing violations when accessing roaming or
mandatory profiles could occur. Before this problem was resolved, if multi-
ple users tried to log on at the exact same time, a sharing violation could
result on the files making up the User Profile because Windows NT was
attempting to get exclusive access to the profile. This was resolved in
Service Pack 2.
Administrators creating shortcuts on one machine for use on a central
server have run into problems on user’s workstations where a password
prompt is displayed asking for credentials to the machine that originally
created the shortcut. This is due to the default behavior of Windows NT
using the “absolute path” (the path to the original location where the short-
cut was created), to start an application even if the application is available
in the specified path of the shortcut properties. In Service Pack 2, support
was added to give the administrator the ability to disable this behavior and
use the path specified in the shortcut properties. For more information,
reference Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q158682.
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Recent Updates to Policies Since Retail Release
The following changes have been made to System Policies support since the
initial retail release of Windows NT 4.0.
When a policy file was to be downloaded, if the validating domain control-
ler name was 13 characters or longer, the policy would not be applied.
This has been resolved in Service Pack 3.
NoNetConnectDisconnect, NoTrayContextMenu, NoViewCon-
textMenu, NoFileMenu, and DisableTaskMgr were added in Service
Pack 2. For more information on these, see the section, “Registry Keys
Modified by the System Policy Editor Default Templates.”
In Service Pack 2 and later, the policy file is no longer cached. This
change was made to increase security. Instead of being cached, the policy
file is downloaded at each logon, written to a temporary file, and applied.
When the NoViewContextMenu policy was introduced, it did not support
the tree view on the left-hand side of Explorer. This was corrected in
Service Pack 3. If this option is turned on, context menus for both the list
view and the tree view are disabled.
Manual mode policy path expansion support was added in Service Pack 3.
If you specify a policy path in the registry (rather than using Automatic
mode), Windows NT now supports paths in the form of
If the administrator created a new policy file and turned on synchronous
logon scripts, saved it to disk, and reloaded the policy file, the policy set-
ting would be lost because the .adm file needed modification in three
different places. This was corrected in Service Pack 3.
Changing the location of a user’s Start menu caused duplicate Programs
items. If you used the System Policy Editor to change the Custom Start
Menu to point to a different directory (even an empty one), the user would
receive the normal Programs menu item and a Programs menu item
above it that pointed to the All Users programs directory. This has been
corrected in Service Pack 3.
The Microsoft Office 97 Resource Kit contains .adm files that administra-
tors can use when configuring the Office environment for their users. This
is available now from Microsoft.
94 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
The articles below can be referenced either on TechNet or by using the
Microsoft Knowledge Base on Microsoft’s Web site:
How to Use %LOGONSERVER% to Distribute User Profiles
Debugging User Profiles and System Policies in Windows NT 4.0
How to Assign the Administrator Profile to Other Users
Updating Permissions for User Profiles
Automating Network Printer Setup
How to Create and Copy Roaming User Profiles in Windows NT 4.0
Modifying Ntuser.dat Hive So New Users Get Defined Settings
No User Profiles Were Found
Step-by-Step Roaming Profiles Configuration
Can’t Access this Folder Path Is Too Long Error
How to Create Mandatory Profiles for Windows 95 Users in Windows NT
Profiles for Members of Guests Group are Deleted
Logon Allowed When Access Denied to Mandatory User Profile
"Auto Arrange" Activates Itself in Copied User Profiles
Autodial Settings Lost When Using Roaming Profiles
Cannot Delete Certain User Profiles
Sharing Violation When Accessing User Profiles
How Windows NT Chooses Between Roaming and Local Profiles
Prompted for Password When Restoring Persistent Connections
Shortcuts Created Under Windows NT 4.0 Resolve to UNC Paths
No Administrative Tools or Common Folders Available
Personal Groups Not Visible If %Systemroot% Is Read-Only
Locating Windows NT 4.0 Profile Directories for Duplicate User Accounts
Err Msg at Logon: Unable To Log You On Because Your Profile...
Policy Registry Entries (Default User)
Policy Registry Entries (Default Computer)
Debugging User Profiles and System Policies in Windows NT 4.0
Hidden Shares Are no Longer Available After Using System Policy
How to Change Print Job Priority in Windows NT 4.0
Limitations of "Run Only Allowed Windows Application"
Policy Editor Crashes When Using Large Custom ADM Files
Internet Explorer May Not Run with System Policies
Using the Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 System Policy Editor
Additional Desktop Restrictions Available through Registry Modification
INF: How to Protect Windows NT Desktops in Public Areas
Automating Network Printer Setup
Disabling Access to Network Resources Using System Policies
Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
Windows NT 4.0 Policy Restriction Error at Logon
Cannot Restore Default Setting for Shutdown Button
System Policies May Not Work With Third-Party GINA DLLs
96 Microsoft Windows NT Server White Paper
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